36 | Anyone Else

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"Before he died, he gave me the other half of the nexus route information so that it wouldn't be lost with him"

"And once he passed on, we laid him to rest in the river... there was nothing more that we could do"

Dakota sat indolently at the holographic war table with a grey blanket around her shoulders inside of the cruisers control bridge. Her hands fiddled with one another as Obi-wan and Ahsoka filled her in on everything that she missed out on after falling unconscious. They had delivered the devastating news that Even Piell did not survive the mission. She couldn't wrap her head around the fact that Master Piell... was killed. As a Padawan, she always viewed him as an invincible Jedi with extraordinary skill, who joined her and Master Windu on several missions around the galaxy.

"But through his sacrifice, and because of everyone else that we lost, we were able to claim our victory over the separatists" Anakin reminded everyone with crossed arms

Although that was the enormous positive to this particular situation, it wasn't enough to lift her spirits. Master Piell, Echo, Longshot, and so many other clone troopers were killed. She pulled the blanket tighter around her and closed her eyes "what about Tarkin?"

"He's in his quarters" Obi-wan replied to Dakota's question "he's in the middle of a transmission with the Chancellor"

"Hm" she hummed.

"Once we've returned to the Jedi temple-" Obi-wan rounded the table to stand near her as he changed the subject "-you will unfortunately have to spend the night in the bacta tank in order to heal your wounds"

She shrugged "Anything to get these bandages off"

"Until then, it's best that you rest" he placed his hand on her shoulder, and waved his other hand towards Rex, motioning for the Clone Captain to return her back to the medical bay of the cruiser "please escort her back to her room, Captain"

"Yes sir"

She wrapped her arm around his armored shoulder and used him as a crutch back to the medical room. He kept his hand respectfully at her waist, guiding her carefully yet swiftly. They didn't speak a word to each other as they went. The atmosphere was quiet, and latent. Troopers strolled by in the hall, nodding in greeting to the General who gave a blue acknowledgment in return. She didn't have much to say to anyone at that time.

The pair reached the small medical room and the door slid open "Thank you" she expressed softly after they had entered and the door slid closed behind them "for... everything, for... saving me back there" she couldn't look him in the eye as the turmoil deep within governed the emotions that she shouldn't even be feeling in the first place.

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