Chapter six

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That evening, the Hobbits came home and found Snow White lying on the floor once again, and they immediately suspected the evil queen.

Frodo knelt down next to the unconscious girl, and lifted her into his arms.

"My dear Snow, what has happened this time?"

"Frodo, why is she lying so still?" Pippin asked; trembling with fear.

"Mr. Frodo, look!" Sam cried. "What is that in her hair?"

Frodo saw the poisoned comb in Snow White's hair. When he took it out, the girl came back to life. Frodo was relieved, and overjoyed to see his beloved princess alive once more.

"Snow, tell us what happened?"

"An old woman came, selling combs. I didn't let her in, she stayed next to the door."

"Is that how she got this comb in your hair?" Sam asked; holding it up.


Frodo felt fear, and anger. Sam was the same. Merry and Pippin were frightened, and Bilbo was saddened. Rosie left and went into her room.

"Snow, it was the evil queen again."

"No, it couldn't be her. She looked nothing like the last time."

"Either way, she was here, and she will come back."

Frodo took the princess's hand.

"Snow White, the queen will stop at nothing to get rid of you. You must be careful for anyone, because anyone of them can be her."

The girl touched the Hobbit's cheek.

"Oh, Frodo, I can't tell you how naive I've been. I feel bad for allowing myself to be deceived, and I can assure you, it won't happen again. I promise."

Frodo smiled as he looked upon Snow White.

Meanwhile, the queen returned home and looked into her mirror, and asked, "mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?"

And the mirror answered, "you, my queen, are very fair, it's true, but Snow White, living with the Hobbits of the Shire, is even more fairer than you."

When the queen heard this, all the blood rushed to her heart with fear and anger, for she knew Snow White was still alive.

"I cannot stand this any longer!" She cried. "Snow White shall die! Even if it costs me my life!"

Filled with rage, the queen went down to her most secret room, where no one was allowed inside.

When she got there, she used her most darkest magic and created a poisoned apple.

The apple was beautiful, with rosy red cheeks. Anyone who saw it would want it, but anyone who would eat a piece of it, would die.

Once the apple was ready, the queen disguised herself as a Hobbit farmer's wife, and went through the portal once again.

This time, she was determined to destroy Snow White forever.

Through The Mirror: A Snow White Tale With The Hobbits Where stories live. Discover now