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"Cry Baby"


"I know I'll fall in love with you, baby"


William had odd vibes, and I honestly didn't really want to go anywhere alone with him.

       I made eye contact with Will.

"You look like the type of person to get picked last in kickball"

    "Ouch. My feelings" he responded. "At least I'm not three feet tall."

   "Okay, listen here you little crumpet eating fuck-" I started before Henry interrupted me.

"Stop arguing. You're acting like children."

"Oh please, I'm twenty-five, I'm not a child, unlike the one nest to me." He mumbled the last part.

       I glared at him. "I'm sixteen, you-"

"Oh my god, can you get along for two fucking seconds?" Henry gave both of us a look. 

   I scoffed, my arms crossed.

   "I can tell you want to say more." Will said, with his signature smirk on his face.

I slowly nodded.

Henry sighed. "Will, just get her breakfast and come right back here. When you get back, she has to talk to the police about what happened."

       I groaned at the thought of talking about what happened more than I had to.

"Go on, the poor girl's probably starving." Henry said, shooing us out of his office.

Once we were in the hallway, William put a hand on my uninjured shoulder.

"I'm deeply sorry." He said, a look of empathy was plastered onto his face.

I was about to speak, when I realized something.

       How did he know which shoulder was my good one? I always have to tell people which one it is since everything is hidden under my clothing.

       My blood ran cold.

I refused to make eye contact with him.

"It's fine." I responded and steered my gaze in a different direction.

    It made sense now.

Walking out into the parking lot, I didn't even have to ask which car was his, I knew it was purple.

       I got into the passenger seat, accidentally bumping my hurt shoulder. "Ow! Fuck!" I winced.

William gave me a side glance. He simply smiled.

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