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"Everybody's Watching Me (Uh Oh)"
-The Neighbourhood
"I let you find it on your own, then I found myself alone"

The car ride to Michael's house was quiet. He sat in the passenger seat. He wasn't talking, but it's better than him not being there.

I gripped onto the steering wheel, the sky still pitch black. It must've been around three-o'clock.

"Liz talked to me."

"What?" I asked, slightly turning my head towards him.
"When I was in the suit. She talked."

"What was she saying?"

"She was saying something like she learned how to pretend and how Ballora never learns or something. Then I watched the suit get 'scooped'" he used air quotes.

I sighed. "Liz is giving me mixed feelings." I said. "I can't tell if she's trying to help us or not."

Mike nodded. "Maybe we can go back one more night just to talk to her?" He asked.

"Yeah. Maybe."


I shut the car door and make my way towards the front door.
Michael stood next to me as I knocked.

Mr. Afton opened the door.

He embraced his son in a hug.

"I'm so glad you're alive." William told his son.

Michael was still. He didn't really react to his father's embrace. He just stared at the wall with a blank face.

"You might as well be giving her all the hugs. She kicked a two-hundred ninety pound animatronic fox's ass." Michael said, shooting me a grin.

"I may or may not have slightly damaged it." I said, rubbing the back of my bandaged neck.

"Slightly?" Michael scoffed. "Either way, you looked like a badass fighting it."

"Yeah. It comes with a price." I said, removing my raincoat to show the bandages whilst walking inside.

William put his arms around me in a hug. "Sorry about Funtime Foxy. A few faceplates and arm plates are shattered." I apologized.

"I couldn't care less about the fox. I'm just thankful you two are okay."

I rested my head on his chest.

"You seem tired." He chuckles.

"Damn right. It's three in the morning, I'm exhausted."

I turned my head when I heard the staircase boards creaking.

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