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"Wolf in Sheep's Clothing"
-Set it Off
"Tell me how you're sleeping easy"

        The look on my face was a mixture between anger and nervousness. All the tall man did was laugh.

     At this point the anger that was building up wanted to escape my body.

    It wanted to escape through words.

    "Stop fucking laughing!"

    That's exactly what he did.

   The fact that he cooperated so quickly with what I had said terrified me.

    I knew he noticed that his action had scared me. He kept a straight face. He was trying to scare me.

His lips parted as if he were about to speak, but closed after a second. A small smile quickly formed on his face.

"I don't remember you being this aggressive."

I stayed quiet. This irked him.

"Start fucking talking."

I groaned slightly. "What did you even need me for?" I asked.

"I needed to ask you something. Simple as that."

I nod slowly.

"I'm asking you to join me. You have the potential to do what I do. Just trust me when I say it helps you. God, I remember those five kids."

He sighs happily. "It was hell for them, but it was heaven for me." (If yk, yk)

"It will help you clear your mind. It lets you let loose and let all that anger out." He laughs.

This man is a lunatic, for sure. A charming, British lunatic.

"I don't want to be like you. I don't want to become what you are. It's not right."

"Well, my darling, you will eventually."

I sighed. "No. I won't. If I have any sort of anger I just take it out in a healthier way. You should too. For god's sake, you have a family!"

"Maybe I wouldn't be as bad as a person if I didn't catch my ex-wife cheating with some wanker across the street. Plus, the relationship I have with my children right now isn't a very healthy one."

     He moves away from me.

"That's why you have to redeem yourself. Just try to get along with your kids. About your wife, you didn't have to kill her! You easily could've just divorced her!"

Will sighs. "Anger is something I've always dealt with. It's hard. Killing those kids for me is just a release. A way of 'coping' as some may say." He sits down on the steel table.

"Especially after her. I don't think you understand how painful it is to know that your wife cheated on you for months."

He actually looked solemn. Of course, this confused me. He always confused me.

"Find a new mechanism that'll help you with your anger. Just stop with the murdering. What'll happen when you get caught?" I asked.

It was almost like a mother scolding her child. Except it was a seventeen year old girl scolding an adult man. In retrospect, this must look weird.

I took a few steps forward towards him. "This is the example you're setting for Michael and Elizabeth?" I asked.

All of a sudden, he put his hands on my shoulders and brought me forward.
Even with him sitting down, he still towers over me.

"You'd best stop talking like that, Y/n. It irritates me."

"Ohh really? I haven't noticed." I said sarcastically.

He sighed heavily, in an annoyed tone. Gripping my shoulders tighter.

"Last fucking warning." He threatened.

"Try me."

In almost an instant, our positions swapped and I was thrown against the steel table, my side aching. I let out a groan, gripping the side of my body.

His hand was placed firmly on my neck. I could still breath thank god, but it hurt like hell.

His other hand was spread out next to where my head was.

"..ow.. fuck.." I mumbled, clearly in pain.

"Think before you speak," he said, his tone still aggressive.

My eyes were shut as I was trying to deal with the ach in my body.

I opened them to see William with a pissed off look spread on his face.

"Goddammit.. I- I'm fucking sorry. Happy now?" I mutter.

His gaze lightened, but only a small bit. His grip on my neck was still firm, but he loosened it some.

"This is what I'm talking about. This anger." I said.

"I know, I know." He said and sighed, backing away. He looked back at me. "I'm sorry for overreacting." He apologized.

     I sighed, pinching the bride of my nose.

       "Y/n! We're leaving soon, get your stuff." I could hear Henry shout from the main area.

"We'll talk about this another time. For now, just think about what I said about the anger thing."

I turned back towards him, our eyes meeting. All was still until he walked forward and hugged me.


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