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"King of the Clouds"
-Panic! At The Disco
"Some only live to die, I'm alive to fly higher"

   My heart started beating fast. I grabbed onto Michael and tried pulling him forward.
    Ballora screeched again, tightening her grip on Mike's leg. The sound of the ear piercing screeching was horrifying.

   I quickly took out one of the tools from the utility belt and threw it as hard as possible at Ballora. This caused her to let go of Michael and screech loudly.

   I quickly pulled him inside of the control module and shut the vent door.

   He clung onto me, his breathing unsteady and fast.
   I put my arms around him for a hug.

   "Thank god you're okay. Are you hurt?" I frantically asked.

   He shook his head. "T-that wasn't Mom.. that- that couldn't have been! She wouldn't hurt me like that!" Michael almost started tearing up.

    "Hey, hey c'mon. It's okay. We can get through this. I won't let them take you, alright? You're safe with me." I reassured him.
    He just held onto me. "I don't know what to believe anymore! I don't trust anything anymore!"

    All I could do is comfort him. "Come on. Let's get you out of here and back home."

    He shook his head. "I- I don't want to go back home." He mumbled.

   "We don't have a spare room in the apartment, but we have a couch. It's pretty comfortable." I offered.

    "Thank you." He said.

     Michel stared out the window as we drove to my shared apartment.
   The sun was rising and it was lightly raining.

   "You okay?" I asked, looking over at him while also focusing on the road.

   He looked over at me. "Not really. I'm just.. worried about what we're gonna tell Dad. He'll just think I'm a lunatic or something."

   "He doesn't have to know. We can just say the second day went fine."
     Michael nods. "Alright."

  We were quiet for a moment. The only sounds that could be heard is the light rain and the car noises.

  "Y/n?" He asked.

  "Hm?" I hummed in a response.

"Do you.. like Dad?"

I stopped for a moment. "As a former co-worker, yes."

  "No, I mean.. like-like Dad."

     I gripped onto the steering wheel. "What makes you ask that?"

   "I don't know.. it's the way he acts around you. So carefree, like he doesn't have anything to worry about. He's always so uptight. He never acted that way with Mom. They argued so much, I didn't sleep at night."

   I shot him a worried expression.

"I'll actually be willing to talk to him if he just at least acts like he cares." Michael said.

  "Six years ago, the last time I talked to him I told him to redeem himself. I told him to work on being a better person." I said, my eyes on the road.

  "Do you think he hasn't tried it just because you've been gone?" Michael asked.

I turned towards him. "What?"

  "I mean, he looks at you in a way he's never looked at Mom."

  I stared at the road for a second. "You never answered my question." Michael reminded.

   "Which question?"

  "Do you like-like Dad?"

I sighed. "Michael, can I tell you something?"

  He nods.

"Back when I was only sixteen, I hated your dad's guts. I absolutely despised him. I.. can't get into detail to what he did to hurt me so badly but in summary, if I had the chance to kill him back then, I would have."

   "What?" Michael was surprised.

"Yeah. Either I saw some good in him while I was around him or it was some Stockholm syndrome shit." I half-joked.

   Michael chuckled. "Yeah. Probably the second option."

  I laughed along with him. "But In all seriousness, he's a broken man. He's been through hell and back. That's why it's your job to fix him." Michael said, looking over at me.

   I stared at the wheel. "You might be right. Thanks, Mikey." I smiled. He smiled back. "No problem, Mom."

   I laughed. "I'm not your Mom."

"Yet." Michael said, raising an eyebrow while smirking.

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