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"The Last Of The Real Ones"
-Fall Out Boy
"I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you, but not as much as I do"

I sat next to Michael, the teen sniffling. I hugged him tightly.

"Im not going to tell you that everything will be okay, because I can't promise that." I said. "But I will tell you that you have people there for you and love you, including myself."

He looked up at me. "Thank you, Y/n." He rested his head on my shoulder.

"How's your ankle?" He asked. "It's doing better than before. Way better."

"Can you walk?" He asked. I played with his hair. "No, not really. I need to rely on nearby walls or anything of the sort."

He nods, understandingly.

"Have you talked to Will yet?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No. I don't.. I don't really want to." I gave him a small smile. "That's okay. Things aren't.. the best now anyways.. but we'll figure it all out, okay?"

Mike nods, sighing.

"I'm gonna go downstairs for a snack." I said. "I'll be back up in a bit."

I managed to get myself downstairs. Of course it was painful, but I managed. I most likely wasn't even supposed to be walking.

I made my way slowly towards the kitchen to grab a drink.

"Are you okay?"

I turned my head towards the living room. "What?" I asked.

William sat on the couch, looking at me. "I asked if you're okay."

I sighed and stopped for a moment.


For once in my life, I answered that question truthfully.

Because in reality, I wasn't okay.

I haven't been okay in years.

"Why do you say that?" He asks, standing up.

  "Because it's true. What's even the point anymore?" I asked.

He hugged me. "Come on, sweetheart, don't say that."

"William, are you even listening to yourself?" I asked, the tone of my voice slightly changing.

He looked confused.

"So many accidents. So many, William." I carefully stepped back, making sure my ankle was fine in the process.

"It's too much for me. I don't want another to happen. I won't be able to handle whatever is next." I was on the verge of crying at this point.

"Imagine waking up every fucking morning, being internally terrified that something horrific might happen to someone you love!" A few tears prickled down my now red cheeks.

"Imagine going to that hellhole and back with Michael for a week straight, just him to get hurt! Imagine losing so many dear people to you in a span of only a few years! Just picture everything that's happened, and put yourself in the situations to see how it feels!"

William was taken aback by my words. His shocked expression gave it away.

"That kind of stuff does something to a person! You can't just brush it off as fucking nothing!" I didn't know what emotion I was feeling, but I knew I was upset.

"It's too much. Everything is too much."

   "Y/n.." he said quietly before embracing me. "I can't do anything to fix my past mistakes, but god I wish I could. It haunts me. Every single night, it haunts me. It's my karma."

   I just rested my head against his chest. I didn't have the energy to do anything else.

"Everything is fucked, and we can't change that. But, if it even means anything to you, just know I love you." He said, his face blank.

I took his hand and kissed the top of it.

"We're both fucked up people, Will." I said, simply.

He nods slightly.

"It's the sad truth."

Kinda wanted to get something out there so I can binge Tribe Twelve and Dark Harvest. I finished Marble Hornets and EMH in the span of a few days-

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