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Now playing..

"Can't Go to Hell"
-Sin Shake Sin
"Walk right in all you sinners and saints"

A few weeks had passed. Nothing much changed.

Asher stopped being a bother after I busted his lip, and it's been relatively normal. Somewhat, at least.

"Y/n, c'mon. Wake up, sleepyhead." I woke up to Henry shaking my side.

I groan and slowly sit up. "Huh?" I mumbled, groggily rubbing my eyes. "Get up, we're heading to the hospital." Henry smiled.

I nod and sleepily leave my warm haven.

I threw on a simple outfit and quickly looked in the mirror before heading downstairs. "Are Charlie and Sammy coming?" I asked.

"No, they're still asleep." He responded, grabbing his keys. I nod my head and walk out with him.


The large hospital building comes into view. I haven't stepped foot in there in weeks. We step out of the vehicle once he parks in a spot near the entrance.

We walk inside. The scent of how a hospital would usually smell hit me as soon as I entered the building.

I tap my foot anxiously as Henry signs us in at the front desk.

The hospital lobby looks the exact same as it did a few weeks back, seemingly never changing.

"It's room 420, right?" I asked.
Henry nodded, continuing down the hallway.

Henry stops in front of the door before opening it. He inhaled and let it out in a quick manner. He turned the knob, revealing the hospital room were all so familiar with.

Except it was missing something

Missing someone.

Henry looked as confused as I. He looked back at me. "What the hell.." he mumbled and looked out into the hallway to try to get assistance from a nurse.

William's disappearance from the hospital room was strange. Perhaps we're just overthinking it.

He talked with a passing nurse for a couple seconds as I looked back into the room. I scanned the room for anything specific. A stack of papers on the floor next to bed caught my eye.

I hesitantly walked in and observed the papers. More specifically, the blueprints.

I carefully picked one up. It looked as if it were a ballerina of some sort? It looked creepy as hell. It had a tutu that stuck out a lot. It had a bun tied high, along with closed eyes.

I picked up the small paper that was next to it. It seemed to be a smaller ballerina figure but it had black eyes along with a more 'stick-like' form.

Okay that's reeeally fucking creepy.

I crouch down, setting the papers next to the stack. One certain paper caught my eye. It seemed to be a clown? Except it resembled something. Someone.
I thought for a moment. Then it hit me.


The humanoid robot had large pigtails along with a tutu. It held a microphone in its hand. "God what are those shoes.." I mumbled, flipping the page over, reading a few notes on the back.

"I wouldn't be snooping if I were you. I don't think William would be too happy with that." A familiar, thick British accent filled the atmosphere.

I snapped my head around to see none other than Mr. Afton himself. He stood there with crossed arms and smug grin.

Oh stop fucking smiling.

"You.. startled me." I said quietly before quickly standing up. I looked up at him. He seemed to still have bandages all over his body. Still tall as ever.

"It's lovely to see you again." He locked eye contact with me. Something was up with his eyes.

Their usual blue color was off. Only a little, but still different.

An slightly uncomfortable look came across my face. I quickly hid it with an awkward laugh. "Haha, yeah.."

"So," he started, sitting down, cross-legged. "You saw the plans?" His smile never leaving his face.

I slowly nod. "Do you like them? I designed them while stuck in that goddamn bed."

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Oh, come on. I don't bite. Tell me, what do you think?" He said jokingly.

Sure you fuckin' don't.

"Well the mini ballerina looking thing is creepy, honestly." I said, looking at the paper. "Oh! The Minireenas! They're just absolutely adorable, aren't they?"

He laughs. I looked over to the doorway to see Henry standing there. A smile was formed on his face.

    I shoot him a confused look. William noticed me looking back so he followed my gaze.

    "What? I'm glad you guys are actually okay with being in each other's presence without trying to rip each other's heads off." Henry said, chuckling.

     "Why didn't you say anything though?" I asked. "I was savoring the moment. Plus I didn't want to ruin the moment."

    Will chuckled and placed a bandaged hand on my shoulder and squeezed it lightly.

"Do me a favor and keep this friendliness up, okay?" Henry said, most likely joking but semi-serious.

    Will's grin returned.

     My eyes met his icy blue ones that stared directly into my soul.

   My breath hitched in my throat when I realized his eyes were darker than normal. He chuckles, his tone seemingly dark as well. His grip tightened on my shoulder.

   "Oh, Henry. There's no need to worry about that, now is there?"


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