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"Don't Wanna Know"
-Bo Burnham
"Is there anyone out there? Or am I alone?"

    I was eating dinner with the Emily family.

  I felt like I didn't belong. I looked around the table.

  I picked at my food, the thought of my now deceased mother never leaving my mind.

  "You okay, Y/n?" Henry asked.

   I looked up. "You haven't been eating." He sounded sincere.

   "Yeah. Just got a lot on my mind."

He nodded, understanding. I got up and put my leftovers in the fridge.

   "I'm going to bed early tonight." I said, heading to the guest room.

     I lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. I thought of my mom and Olivia.

  The memories of them filled my mind until I fell asleep.


I walked into the empty building alongside Henry.

I immediately walk to the stage to check the lights. I turn them on, my golden badge shining in the colored lights.

"If you see Y/n today, don't be too hard on her. Her mom died last night and she isn't taking it too well." I overheard Henry say from in front of his office.

I sighed and continued checking the lights. I accidentally hit the hinge of one with my elbow, causing it to fall. I quickly caught the falling light, not realizing how heavy it was. I struggled to lift it.

"Fuck.." I mumbled under my breath, slowly setting the large light down.

There's no way I can put this back myself.

I jogged over to Henry's office. I peeked the door open.

"Uh, hey Henry. I kinda accidentally knocked a light down and I need help." I awkwardly laughed.

"Get Will to help you, He knows more about that stuff than I do."

Henry why. Why must you put me through this.

I hesitantly knock on William's office door. I heard a faint, 'come in'.

I poked my head in. "I accidentally knocked a light off the stage. Henry told me to come to you for help."

He sighed. "You're telling me you managed to knock a light down?" He asked.

"Hey! It was an accident! Plus the fucking things are heavy!" I snapped.

   His smirk creeped onto his face. "Weakling."


   "Oh fuck you." I mumbled.

"What was that, Y/n?"

   "Nothing. Just, come get the light."

I walked to the stage and stood next to the light.

   He picked it up with ease and set it in its rightful place.

  He brushed himself off. I leaned against the stage back wall, staring off into the distance.
   "I'm sorry about your mom."

I glanced towards the tall man. "Yeah right. You like seeing me suffer in this hell hole."

"She must've been on a lovely person."

"Just stop talking about it.." I said quietly.

"I can see how a loss like that would cause you to descend into a depression." He says, completely ignoring my request.

   I couldn't tell if I was more upset or angry. "I fucking hate you." I said quietly.

"I know, but you'll come right back to me in the end." I scoffed. "Like that'll ever happen."

   "You're a strong person, Y/n. You've gone through three deaths in a span of three years, and you're still going."

   I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, barely. Plus one of them was your fault!"

  He chuckled. "You don't to remind me, for I think about it a lot. They're all in a much better place now."

    I turned my back towards him.

I didn't want to let him know that he'd succeeded in causing me pain.

I don't want to give him that satisfaction.

   I felt his hand being placed on my shoulder. I jerked my shoulder away. This only caused him to pull me into an unwanted hug.

   I refused to be comforted by him. The man that killed my cousin in cold blood.

  "I'm sorry." I heard him say.

I know he didn't mean it, for the smirk never left his face.

   "I can't express how much I hate you."

   He chuckled. "I'll be the only one you can turn to before you know it."

   I didn't want to believe that statement.
"I can still trust Henry." I said, arguing with him.

   "He doesn't believe you, Y/n. He thinks you're going insane."

  "Stop! Just stop!" I pulled away from his
arms. He knew he was getting to my head, and he loved it. He loved having power.

  I booked it to Parts & Service's, seeming it's the only place I can sit in peace.

I entered the cold room. I didn't even bother turning the lights on. I just sat on the floor with my head in my knees.

My fingers dug into my arms, as I was probably aggressively sobbing.

Henry opened the heavy door. "Are you okay?" He asked. I sniffled, standing up.

He hugged me tightly. "Hey.. it's okay." He calmed me down. "If you want, you can have a break to gather yourself."

I nodded and followed him to his office, wiping my tear-stained face. A few families were in the main area, but they paid no attention to us.

I sat on the couch, staring at the floor.

"Y/n. Can we talk about something?" He asked.

I looked up at him. "Do.. do you still think Will caused the incident?"

I stared at him for a second. "Henry I know he did."

Henry sighed. "I'll be right back. Will's in charge until I get back."


Henry grabs his wallet and keys before leaving his office.

I sat alone in the small room, hoping it would stay that way.


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