Future- Bonus Chapter

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  Hey! I haven't written here in a while but I'm planning on writing more bonus chapters like this one :D . Enjoy the chapter.

(In this chapter, you're a time traveler)


  Time traveling is an amazing concept. Being able to travel back through time in itself is an interesting topic.

  Every since we made it a reality, it's been my job to study it and decode every last bit of it.

  That's why I'm rather confused as to why I'm sitting in a random house in the 1980s right now.

   I was in some type of little girl's room. Posters with animatronics on them were littered across the walls. Mainly one in particular. Circus Baby.

  I remember researching it back in high school. As well as the entire Fazbear Franchise and the dark history behind it.

  I got an A+ on that assignment so it wasn't too much of a waste.

  I slowly got up and peeked out of the doorway, clutching onto the satchel that hung around my body.

  "Michael! Did you finish your math homework?" I heard a voice say from downstairs.

   It was a Brit with a deep voice.

"Yeah, I'm just finishing it now." Presumably, 'Michael' said.

  I hid a little when Michael passed by, walking downstairs to I'm assuming his father.

   It then actually hit me that I was stuck here until I figured out what to do.

  In a stranger's house.

In the 1980s.

As a time traveler.

If I told them, they'd definitely think I'm insane or a lunatic of some sort.

  I had no other choice. They'd find me eventually.

  I slowly left the room and peeked downstairs. A tall man was standing in the kitchen, his back facing towards me. He had dark hair and a purple suit on.

  The Michael kid seemed to be around the age of fifteen or sixteen. His hair was a little lighter than the other man's. He was also rather tall.

  He had a grey shirt on with the sleeves cut off as well as jeans littered with holes, fabric hanging from them. His red sneakers popped out like a sore thumb.

  Huh. The LGBTQ+ community is quaking right now at this kid's fashion sense.

  I internally chuckled at my own joke.

  I braced myself and carefully walked downstairs.

  Michael noticed me first.

  The look of surprise was plastered on his face.

  "Who the hell are you?"

  The tall man in the kitchen turned around.

  A look of shock was on his face as well.

  "What are you doing in my house? How did you even get here?" He walked towards me, a little more angry than shocked now.

   "Look, let me explain." I said quickly. "I have a kind-of reasonable explanation."

   "You'd better. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't call the authorities on you right now. Or do worse." He glared at me and crossed his arms. His cold blue eyes stared daggers into my soul.

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