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Now playing..

-The Ponderosa Twins Plus One
"Bound to falling in love"

     I woke up in the hospital room, as usual. Except I didn't remember much.

   I grabbed the locket that hung around my neck.

  Everything came back to me after looking at the piece of jewelry. I looked out the large window on the wall to my left. It looked to be early in the morning.

   Sighing, I look back at the golden locket.

  I debated on opening it.

  Finally deciding to, I latched my fingers onto the small handles and slowly opened it.

  A small picture of William sat securely in the locket.  

I noticed a written note on the bedside table. I slowly picked it up and read it.

          "If you're reading this, I'm guessing you've already seen what's inside the locket. I hope you like the surprise."
                                  Love, Will
     "P.S. If you do decide to take a break, just know I'll miss having you around, so make sure to come back soon "
   I stared at the note for a good minute.
     This man definitely confuses me. I folded the note and set it in the small bag I've been keeping my stuff in.

   I stared at the picture inside the locket for a few minutes.

   The door opened and I shut the locket quickly.


A month later

"Y/n! Come downstairs, I have a surprise!" Henry called out.

    I had gotten dressed nicely. It wasn't much, just a simple dress. By the way the dress was designed, only a few scars were visible.

     I spun around, glad I dressed up. It was my birthday after all.

Henry hugged me tightly.

I chuckled. "So what's the surprise?" I asked.

    "Well, you know how you said you were ready to come back to work? And how you wanted to see the new restaurant?"

"Holy fuck. You didn't."

He laughed. "I did. Everything's ready, and you're the first to have a party there."

I hugged him tightly. "Thank you!"

He hugged me back. "You're welcome."


We arrived to the new location. I was as excited as a small child would be.

I entered the building. It was much bigger than the last location.

   "Wow.." I mumbled. Henry laughed.

"Meet Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the Bunny, and Chica the Chicken." I gazed at the main stage and at the new animatronics.

"That's Foxy." He pointed towards an isolated stage separated from the main stage.

"Henry I love them!" I excitedly said. Henry chuckled. "I'm glad you like them."

Henry's face lit up. "Oh, and there's someone here to see you."

I gave him a slightly confused look before I turned around.

A familiar pair of eyes met mine. "You look stunning."

Ah fuck. Here we go again.

He wore a fancier purple suit than he would usually wear.

"Hello, Will." I responded. "You look dapper."

  He smiled at this. His blue eyes pierced through my soul.

  "It's nice to see you again, after a month of you being gone." He said and picked my hand up, kissing the top of it.

I don't know if Henry picked up the vibes that I did, but he just smiled at Will's actions.

"Well, you're being a gentleman." I said, raising an eyebrow.

He just smirked back. "When am I not a gentleman?" He asked.

"Oh I could name a few situations.." I mumbled.

He knew exactly what I was talking about.
"If I were you, I would keep them to myself." He said.

"Gotcha." I responded, my smirk never leaving.

"You really know how to irk my nerves, don't you?" He asked, fixing his tie.

"Baby.." I mumbled. His smirk only grew. "So you're giving me pet names now?" He asked.
"Oh It wasn't a pet name. It was an insult. I'm calling you a baby." I almost laughed.

"Okayy, enough of whatever this is" Henry said.

  I felt a child hugging me.

"Hey Liz." I greeted the child, laughing.

I looked over and saw familiar faces walking in.

Audrey, Julian, and an unfamiliar face walked in. Audrey ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Happy birthday!"

I chuckled at her excitement. She let me go. "Oh, Y/n, this is Lily."

I smiled at the new face. "Pleasure to meet you."

We all stood in the main party area, all talking in almost a circle, while the kids ran around.

    I stood next to Will, zoning out. His hand slithered it's way to the small of my back.

   Unfortunately for me, that part of the dress was open, meaning his hand came in contact with my bare back.

His hand was oddly cold. I hated to admit it, but it felt nice, considering it was hot as hell. It was still summer after all.

His eyes met mine again. His smirk popped up on his face.

He knew I did and didn't mind it at the same time. He took advantage of this, and just wrapped his arm around my waist, resting his hand on my hip.

We sat down at the tables, eating the pizza that was prepared. The animatronics sang. I watched the show, amazed by Henry's work.

   "Do you like the show?" Henry asked. I nodded. "It's everything a child could dream of. From the confetti floors to the multicolored lights."

Henry smiled at my words before then popping a question.

    "Would you look to work for us again?"

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