10: Chalk Cliffs at Rügen - Caspar David Friedrich

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I'm.. A lot farther ahead than what's published rn. Chose the hero name finally wahoo hell yahoo.

Fyi. Just saying, I have no idea how buses in Japan work. I'm just mixing that train and bus shit and hoping it sticks.

BY THE TIME the bell rung signifying that school had ended, (L/n) had her eulogy ready for her funeral. If it was just her and Bakugou walking together, she'd probably cry and bury herself in the ground before he did.

So what did you want to talk about. . . Oh look, Kirishima and Kaminari are there. So what did you want to talk about. . . What did you want to talk about. . .

Bakugou slugged his backpack over his shoulder aggressively and started barking from the doorway. "Come on, idiot! What're you waiting for?!"

(L/n) internally cringe as she observed the figure waiting for her impatiently at the threshold of the classroom, shouting at her. Was it here? Was this her angel of death, with his hands in his pocket and backpack over his back with no tie?

"I'm going," she mumbled between her teeth.


"What's with all this yelling? Can you cut it out already, Bakugou?" Aizawa rose from his cocoon behind the podium like Frankenstein's monster coming to life.

Bakugou didn't make any noise, but he jumped at the sudden appearance of his teacher, who he seriously forgot was there. So creepy sometimes.

"Oh, goodbye Aizawa-Sensei!" (L/n) beamed, waving at him as she skipped out the door, now in a completely different mood. She gave a bow of respect.

"Bye. Don't forget about the study guide for your upcoming English quiz."

Bakugou walked down the hallway with her, making sure not to lose her in the crowd of students trying to get home too. She was a few steps behind him, and still looked all happy. If they weren't walking together, she would've looked like a shoujo protagonist.

"What's with you? Your mood changed in a split second," he hissed.

"Huh? Oh, sorry," she fidgeted with her fingers, now looking depressed once more.

It wasn't shoujo. Jr was tragedy.

"There you fucking go again," he growled, a vein popped on his forehead.

Bakugou huffed, making her feel guilty for showing two different faces. So this is why he didn't like her at all. It was no wonder when she kept doing idiotic things that would make anyone annoyed. (L/n) wished she had consistency.

"Sor-So, what did you want to talk about, Bakudan?" she stammered.

"Huh?" His mouth opened. "Who said I wanted to talk to you, Stupid?"

He stole my line! (L/n) had never vibrated so strongly in such irritation before. "Ah. I just assumed, since you said we'll be walking together. . . Sor-"

"Stop apologizing!" he yelled at her, and she cut her words short. He rolled his eyes and ran his fingers through his spiky hair, exposing his forehead for a second, as they approached the building's exit. "I did say that. I just wanted to see if you'd listen."

She pouted at the ground, not sure what to say about that.

Bakugou had the usual growl in his tone, but his next words were spoken casually. "So, that means," he faced her wwitha deadpan. "You're basically like a dog, right?"

"Say what?"

"HA! Dog!" he pointed at her with a gremlin's smirk while she stood there with a perplexed poker face. So he really was there to make fun of her.

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