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10 weeks later

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10 weeks later

In those 10 weeks, Izzy was at dance camp and Monse writing camp, things had changed.

For starters, Izzy discovered veganism and just how good not eating meat made her feel. Her skin glowed, with the absence of makeup for once. For the first in what felt like forever, all she had was her signature winged liner.

Monse had gotten her braces off and developed. Meanwhile Izzy had gotten curvier and discovered clothes that complemented them.

She paraded down the street, hand in hand with Nina.
" Hey wanna swing by Ruby's? ".
Pausing, Izzy turned to her with a small smirk tugging on her lips, " Why? ".
Nina shrugged, " I don't know. Mario's leaving, he could be lonely ".
Giving her a look, Nina sighed and groaned, " please ".

" Jesus, Nina. I didn't know you had the hots for Martinez ".
Glaring at her friend, Nina huffed and dragged her friend.

The scene at Ruby's was close to theocratic, with Ruby and Jamal bickering and Monse scowling at them.
" My bitch ", Izzy squealed, hugging the brunette, " How was camp? ".
" Great actually ", she gave the boys a pointed look, " At least she asked ".

Looking around, Izzy stared at Ruby and Jamal.
" Where's Cesar ".


Down the street, Izzy badgered Ruby and Jamal.
" Why won't you tell me ".
" It's for your own good ".
" My own good- ",

" Shit, Prophets be cool ", Ruby cut her off grabbing Nina's hand. The pair exchanged a look and flushed pink. If she wasn't go pissed, Izzy would've cried from their cuteness.
" Aw, did I jack my do? ", Ruby said, trying to change the subject. He pulled out his phone to check his hair while Nina rolled her eyes at him.
" You know it's great Ruby ".

The boy grinned shyly at her, before glancing up at his phone only to see someone in the background.

Code dread, code dread. Coming on your six! ".

A voice pipped up in the background, Jasmine exclaiming behind them as the group tried to walk away quickly.

" Yo! You guys going to orientation? Hey, you know my cousin Berto? The fine one. His daughter Letty said it ain't nothin'. Unless you're stupid and can't spell your name, and then you hold up the line and then people get mad ", she rambled, " Hey, why you guys walkin' so fast? You know I got asthma ".

" Sorry Jasmine ", Izzy called, " We're having a real private convo, some sensitive stuff! ".

The group pratically ran away before stopping once she was out of sight.
"  She is relentless ", Jamal gasped, as he tried to catch his breath, " Nice save ".
" Oh, you ain't safe! ".
" Your threats aren't penetrating, okay? ", he said, making her cock a brow with her hand on her hip.
" Okay maybe they are. But I'm still not telling you what Cesar said ".

" So it was something he said! ".
" Jamal do you need a muzzle? ", Ruby exclaimed at his friend.

Sighing, Ruby turned to Izzy, " Izzy no offence. But you're a loose cannon ".
" We're doing this for your own protection ", he said.
" My own protection? I can protect myself, puta ".

The group walked past an alleyway, where moans and grunting were heard.
" Don't look, keep walking ", Nina said, holding onto Izzy's hand.
" Why would anyone want to get jumped into nineteenth street. If it were me, I'd get jumped into first street. Only a second of pain ".
" Agreed. And who needs a lifetime of commitment at our age ".

" Apparently, neither do you ", Izzy snapped, " Lack of commitment seems to be a noticeable trend in this group ".

" Same with personal space ", Monse slightly pushed away the boys.
" We can't tell you ", Ruby pleaded, as rap music was beginning to pump through the streets.

" Fine ", she said, glancing at the car, " I'll ask him myself ". Izzy stepped out in front of the red Impala.
" Hey, are you crazy? ", Oscar called out of the window.
" Yup ", she said, walking around to his side, " Gimme a sec, cholo. I'm here for Cesar ".

She leaned over the window, looking at the boy beside Oscar. He glanced at her a few times, but refused to make eye contact.
" You gonna look at me, Diaz? ". The lack of response caused her to sigh dramatically and look at Oscar, " You're back huh? ", he smirked eyeing her.
" I'm back ", she confirmed.
" And lookin' like a fine ass hyna ",
" Aw, you make me blush ", she said, laughing playfully.

" You look a little different...what is it? ".
" My ass? ", her eyebrows rose.
" Nah ", he chuckled, " You're not wearing make-up ".

After he drove off, Izzy spun on her heel and backed Ruby against the wall. " Last chance, Martinez. What did he say? ".
Ruby cowered slightly, but tried to keep his posture.
" Fine ", she spat once she didn't get a response, " I'll find out on my own ".

Izzy walked away from the group with them calling behind her, but she didn't care. Cesar said something about her, definitely not good. And even if it did hurt her, she had to find out.

Izzy could hear the thumping music a mile away, she stalked along the street taking note of Cesar on the couch and the other Santos surrounding him.
" Yo ", she called, walking towards him, " Diaz, we gotta talk ".
" Sure ", he shrugged. Glancing around, she added " privately ".
" Yeah we can go inside ", he nodded, just as Oscar cleared his throat. 
" But uh...if you wanna sit on my face you're gonna have to put that mouth on pause so I can concentrate ".

Laughs were heard around them, but Izzy wasn't fazed. Instead she chuckled and clicked her tongue. " Sit on your face, huh Diaz? ".
" A hyna like shouldn't have to ask again ", Cesar smirked, " It's no biggy ".
" Oh ", Oscar chimed in, " Unless we've hurt the puta's is she gonna go running to her white daddy? ".
" My white daddy? ", she said, " Yeah, least I got one ".

The remark earned chuckles from the members, but it silenced Oscar and Cesar. " Oh ", she pouted, " Did I hit a nerve? ".
" You better watch your bitch, Cesar ", Oscar warned, glaring at his brother.
" I ain't no bitch, Spooky ", she said, looking at Cesar, " especially not his ".

Sighing, Cesar stood up, " Iz, stop- ", he reached out trying to take hold of her hands.
" No ", she snapped, pulling away, " No, you don't get to tell me what to do. What the fuck did you tell people, Cesar? ".

Cesar tried to give her a proper answer, only for that attempt to get covered up by his brother coughing. " The truth ", he responded.

Izzy scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
" You're pathetic ", she growled, backing away and leaving Cesar to watch her walk away.


izzy's outfit

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izzy's outfit

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