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" I did it ", Ruby announced, proudly walking up to the group, " I mean I did it, I rocked that talk

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" I did it ", Ruby announced, proudly walking up to the group, " I mean I did it, I rocked that talk. For a guy who's named Spooky he's surprisingly jovial ".

" Wait are you serious Ruby? ", Jamal asked, sounding unconvinced.

" Ruben ", he corrected, " And yes. It's done, Cesar's out of the gang. Boom, I killed it ".

" You did it. You killed it so hard, I got promoted ", said Cesar.

" What ", he began to worry, " No no Spooky and I had an understanding ".

" I just got a text. I'm running for the Santos ".

" No no no, that can't be true he must be joking ".

" Compa, I love you for trying. But as I've been saying, it's done ".

" And I don't blame you ", he started, turning to the Latina beside him, " I blame Izzy ".

" Me? ".

" Yeah you're the instigator and the frickin' honey badger. You don't quit but now you have to. We're done ".

" So is Ruben ", Ruby sighed, looking at his feet, " I'm not man enough to bare that name ". He walked away, Jamal and Monse following to try and cheer him up.

" You know this wasn't a one woman show ", Izzy defended, " We all had a part ".
" I know it was you! All you ", he said, eyeing her physique, " You should make it up to me ".

Izzy scoffed, trying to respond but he continued.

" Oh yeah ", he clicked his tongue, " How could I forget? You already made it up to remember right? You know, last night when you- ",
Izzy's hand flew to his mouth, covering it and glancing around to make sure no one heard.

" Shut up! ", she hissed, " That was a one time thing, Diaz. It's never happening again ".

" Uh huh ", he said, pushing her hand away, " Look Iz as much as I love your hands on me. There really is a time and place ".

" It's not happening again ", she repeated, " I mean it ".

" Sure ", he smirked, " So uh...if that's the case, am I still yours? ".

Izzy still couldn't respond, much to her annoyance. To her, being interrupted seemed to be a common trend.
" What's wrong with Ruby? ", Olivia asked, coming up to the couple with Nina.

" He's fine. He's just upset he had to give up his room ", Izzy replied, trying to conceal her annoyance with a kind smile.

Cesar picked up on this immediately, giving Izzy a cheeky look before flickering to Olivia. Izzy glared at the boy. And if she could, he would be in flames right now.
Don't you dare, she thought narrowing her eyes.

" Are we interrupting something ", Nina asked, with a knowing grin. They weren't blind, they could feel the tension a mile away.

" Nah ", Izzy said, " Sorry, we're not trying to be weird- ",
" But she can't help it ", Cesar cut off.

" So after scjool do you wanna hang with the girls and I? ",
" Wanna hang? ",

Cesar and Izzy glanced at each other, as they both said simultaneously.

" Oh I have plans with Izzy, Nina and Monse ", Olivia said.
" Yeah ", Izzy said, smugly, moving herself so she was between the two with her hands on their shoulders.
" I'm happy to join- ",
" It's a girl thing ", Izzy responded with a cocky smirk.

" Oh ", he nodded, " Can I watch? ".

Olivia and Nina laughed, while Izzy's eyes narrowed at the boy.

" We gotta get to class ", she said, holding onto Nina's hand.
" Great. Bye ", Cesar waved.

" So text me when you get out of 6th period ", Izzy heard Cesar say loudly.
" Sure ", Izzy said, turning around.
" Oh I'm sorry, I wasn't talking to you ", he looked at Olivia, " Let me give you my number Olivia ".

" Is that a problem Iz? ", he asked Izzy innocently.
" Nope ", she replied, pratically grinding her teeth, " No problem ".

As he was putting his number into her phone, Izzy couldn't stop looking at him. As much as she wanted it, she resisted the urge to tackle the boy for making her feel like this, right there and then.

Cesar's eyes flickered to hers, sensing her stare. But Izzy diverted his look, turning around bringing Nina with her, letting him watch her walk away.


She always loved his music taste. She heard it as she approached his window for the second night in a row, instead this time it was wide open almost as if he was expecting her. He was shirtless and his room was tidy for once, with the soft sound of the music tinkling out of his speakers.

She tapped her knuckles against the window pane.

He knew who it was before he even turned around.
" What's up? ", he asked casually.

" I just wanna let you know, amigo. I've no problem with you talking to other girls ", she said, getting straight to the point.
" Of course ", he said, almost mockingly.
" For real, Diaz ", she said, " I'm not some jealous novia. I'm totally okay with you hanging with Liv ".
" Sure ".

His answers and the irritating smile on his face said otherwise. With a huff she replied " I'm not jealous, Cesar ".

" that all? ".
" Yep ", she nodded.
" You sure? You could've said all that in a text ".
" I wanted to get the tone across ", she said.
" Uh huh ", he chuckled.
" What ".
" You know Olivia's really pretty isn't she? ".

" Kinda ", she shrugged.

" Sure ", a smirk on his face, " Well...night ".

" What ".
" Night ", he repeated, closing the window.
" Cesar ", she said, as it locked. He ignored her and began to fumble with the shutters.
" Cesar ", she warned, as they fell, " I'm not jealous, you cabròn ". He nodded with a grin, turning up his music.

With another scoff, she stormed over to his front door. Knocking on it three times, it opened. Cesar, who had deliberately disheavled his hair and wore a tank, peered at the girl.
" Yes? ".

To say she was fuming was an understatement. He had walked away. From her.

Grabbing hold of his tank, she pulled him to her roughly attaching their lips. She ran her fingers through his hair, as he lifted her up bringing them both inside.


izzy's outfit

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izzy's outfit

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