Chapter 11

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Zemnus ran effortlessly through the thick forest of ancient Darkwood Pines. Even if his race didn't have the ability to see in the dark the prince would not have and difficulty navigating his way through the woods. Having lived in the forest his entire life he knew every niche of the forest as well as he knew himself. But this night was special, having not seen a battle in a decade or two, he felt a thrill he use to get from his first battles as a fledgling.

His twin war axes firmly gripped in his fist, adrenaline beginning to pump through his vein. Sweat of anticipation beading on his dark forehead, he only had one thought in mind. Where is Quroc? As if on queue he saw a flash of shadow then Quroc picked up stride right beside him.

"This way my king." Quroc breathed just barely loud enough to hear.

"I wish you would stop calling me that my brother is your king." Zemnus snapped back at him in hushed tones.

"But you will be one day." Quroc replied, as he always does.

That response always left Zemnus feeling confused and a little concerned but he shrugged it off this time. There were more important things to worry about at the moment. "Now is not the time." He reminded his adopted brother.

"You're right, forgive me. I did some scouting and we should go this way."

"The clearing is straight ahead. We'll be upon their camp quicker if we take this route."

"Trust me sir." Quroc pleaded.

"Will I see battle?" The prince asked.

"I repeat trust me, there will be plenty of enemies for your axes to feast on."

"Lead on." He ordered.

The two slipped off towards the northern edge of the clearing, furthest from their palace in the mountain and their pregnant queen.

Ixam kept an easy but swift pace through the pines towards the rear of the army. Gorlug ran on his right side and Zurdi on his left. The anticipation of the upcoming battle pumping through his veins but his mind was on Trellia and his son growing in her stomach. No matter what the outcome of the battle yields he needed to ensure she stay safe and unharmed.

"I Feel something is amiss, my King." Zurdi said to Ixam mentally.

"What is the forest telling you shaman?" Ixam asked in return.

"That is the problem. The forest is silent." The shaman answered. Even though Ixam couldn't hear his tone he could feel the mounting concern from his contact with the shaman.

By this time the forefront of the army had passed beyond the trees and into the clearing housing Zarric's forces.

"Perhaps it is some kind of spell meant to confuse us." Ixam offered.

"Let's pray you are right." Zurdi replied.

Ixam made hand gestures to Gorlug telling him to be wary of anything out of the ordinary right before they themselves entered the clearing. He watched his army with pride as they rapidly moved throughout the enemy camp silently stabbing bedrolls. Many others slipped into and out of tents. In mere moments the vanguard of his men were nearing the center of the camp.

As of yet no alarms were sounded, no fighting broke out. This worried Ixam, surely the enemy wasn't this inept. Ixam stopped beside a bedroll that had already been stabbed, he saw no blood coming from what should have been a wound. Pulling aside the blanket revealed wads of linen to give the illusion of a sleeping goblin. Alarm bells sounded in the king's head and he knew his folly.

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