Chapter 14

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The two figures before them wore hoods over their faces, yet underneath one hood fiery orange eyes glared at them fiercely. Sebastian tried his best to match that glare, but he knew Ceradell did a better job at it than he. He wouldn't want to be the person on the other end of her glare, yet he was afraid that one day he will, it was only natural to anger the one your in love with. Still none were as skin crawling as the King's glare. Those eyes sent chills down his spine. Somewhere deep down he knew most opponents who saw those eyes they were the last thing they saw.

It wasn't only the eyes that were unnerving, it was his whole stature. Surely if Sebastian could've seen the face it would've had no affect. Just from his body language Sebastian could tell that he was confident of himself. The way he casually tossed a sickle in the air and caught it told Sebastian he was proficient with them, unlike himself where a sword still felt foreign in his hands.

The other shadoworc was cloaked in mystery, which was unnerving in its own right. No eyes pierced the dark beneath the hood. He, Sebastian guessed it was male, stood still looking ready to pounce at a moments notice yet didn't look tense. These two clearly felt they had an upper hand in this fight, Sebastian felt likewise.

He tried to think of what to do, but the conflicting thoughts in his head made things difficult. It was as if his heart and brain were at war. There was anger, no rage that burned for him to fight. To charge in, not unlike the past two times. Yet, the voices in his head screamed for him not to, and that's the only thing keeping him at bay, for the moment.

If he were to be completely honest with himself he was afraid of the rage. It burned through him like a firestorm. When he was a teen he was quick to anger. The littlest things seemed to tick him off. If he were to bottle it up for a few days he would snap at next to nothing. Sebastian is a Taurus, zodiac sign for the raging bull, known for their temper and passion among other traits.

The level of rage that he was feeling now was a thousand times more intense than when he was an adolescent. It seemed with each encounter with an enemy the rage would spring upon him with no warning. Sebastian felt it more intensely than ever before. Then at the same time a voice in his head telling him he couldn't win this one. Even though he tried to kill himself it was to end that life, his life of pain and darkness. Now, here, he had a fresh start, and a beautiful woman for whom he loved, and an elf woman at that. Needless to say he wasn't ready to die here and now.

As if Ceradell could read his thoughts she whispered to him, "The forest has eyes and ears, help is on the way. We need to stall for time."

"How can we do that without fighting?" He asked, not wanting to admit to her he wasn't ready to fight them.

"Use your magic." She suggested.

"I would if I knew what to do. Or better yet how to do it." He told her.

"I might be able to help with that," Said a small voice behind Sebastian.

"What are you doing I told you to stay inside. They are after you and my sword, for some reason." He berated her.

"But..." She began, she almost stopped right there then decided it was too important.

"I can cast a barrier spell, but there's a small problem." That last part came out as barely a whisper.

"Make it quick, its not like we have time for you to be shy." Ceradell snapped at her and nodded in the direction of the fearsome shadoworcs.

B'naire looked to Sebastian, whom gave her a gentle nod for her to continue. "I only have enough power to make one no bigger than one person. The only thing I could think of is I could teach you the spell." She twirled a finger through one of her crimson locks and cast her eyes down to hide her shame.

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