Chapter 22

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"You're too fast." Sebastian panted heavily. Try as he might he couldn't land a blow on Ceradell, Here on the training grounds off the plateau that Entnahil sat on they used blunted steel weighted higher up the blade to throw off balancing. When asked, Ceradell explained that if her could control an imbalanced blade he would have better control over a perfectly balanced one.

"Wrong." She replied. While Sebastian was sweating profusely she had barely broken a sweat.

"How so?" He asked growing frustrated. They had been at it for hours now. The swords were harder to swing and heavier than his own or any of the sticks him and Lueken had sparred with. He was having a tough time maneuvering the blade with one hand, two were barely easier.

"My speed had nothing to do with you gaining no purchase. Believe it or not you are nearly as fast as I am." Sebastian glared at her doubtfully, obviously not believing her words. "Its your eyes that betray you."

"So, what am I supposed to attack with my eyes close?" He spat. He didn't mean to sound so harsh but his frustration was getting the better of him. Even with Mooncutter several yards away lying on the ground he could feel its effects on his emotions.

"That's not what I am saying, Sebastian." Her own frustration beginning to grow towards her lover, "You are looking at the spot you are about to attack, thus giving away your next move and allowing me to block, counter or parry."

He let the words sink in for a minute. He held his hand up holding her for a minute while he took three deep breathes, in through his nose out through his mouth, like she had instructed him to do. It helped and he calmed a bit.

Both hands on his sword firm, but not too tight, he squared his feet and shoulders. One more deep breath, eyes on hers he charged in. Their swords collided with a loud clang and sparks flew. He pulled his arms back then thrust forward.

She had no issue with wielding her training sword with one hand. With the sword in her left hand, point down, she blocked the thrust, planted her right foot and pivoted around his body an elbow aimed for his head as she spun.

Sebastian barely saw it out of the corner of his eye but was able to duck under it. His left hand left the hilt and he spun backwards to his right, sword came around in a wide arc. The tip of his blade grazed her side opening a slit in her tunic.

Facing one another again, eyes locked swords in a defensive position. Each began taking small steps to their right. She swung her sword, he blocked. Back to circling, she swung again sword in her right hand and Sebastian blocked it again. As soon as the swords collided she spun backwards left fist coming around fast. To both their surprised Sebastian blocked it with his right forearm and heel kicked her in the stomach. Ceradell slid back in the soft dirt a couple feet. An appeasing smile on her face, Sebastian's confidence went up a notch.

The next time they collided he tried his best to keep his eyes on hers as he swung his sword. After several clashes she walloped him on the side of his head with the flat of her blade. "You are getting better..."

"Why do I feel like there is a 'but' coming." He interrupted.

"But... Don't keep you eyes on mine. I can use those to throw you off, as I just did. I looked down and you instinctively reacted and went to block a blow you thought was coming for your legs. Instead I nailed you in your head." She loosened the strings at the neck of her tunic, baring her chest just above the line of her cleavage. She reached down with two fingers and collected some dirt on them. She smeared the dirt on the spot she exposed. "I want you to keep your eyes here."

"No problem with that." He said with a lewd smile.

"Knock it off, now is not the time for that. As we train I am not your lover, I am your Master." Her tone was that of a disapproving teacher.

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