Chapter 13

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Sebastian could hear the clash of blades, in extremely rapid recession, but he didn't look back he couldn't or else he'd turn to help Ceradell. His heart ached to leave her to handle things on her own, but he had to trust that she could handle it.

For the time being he pushed all thoughts of Ceradell out of his head. He needed to focus on what's ahead. He continued to hear a rough yet strangely melodic voice ask for "The man with the Sword". To which Lueken replied the same three words, "I don't know". B'naire's cries were now muffled. With that information he surmised there to be two, he hoped only two, assailants. Luckily they couldn't see him through the natural walls enclosing the camp.

Sebastian listened carefully to all sounds on the inside, trying to located the ones inside. He was having trouble at first, and forced himself to concentrate harder. His time was running out, soon the sounds of battle from the elf would reach the ears inside. He needed surprise to give him an upper hand. His friends were counting on him. A great power was born to him, what good was he if he couldn't use it.

Moon Cutter in hand radiating a dim glow, as to not give away his position, eyes closed, he walked the perimeter. Upon hearing a loud crunch he froze in his tracks, his heart pumping loud in his ears. Too loud. Listening more closely he discovered it wasn't his heart he was hearing, well not just his. Besides his he heard one hammering far faster than his and another in normal rhythm. Then he heard the muffled screams, all these sounds were just inches away on the other side of the growth.

I got you, he thought to himself. Taking a deep breath to prepare himself he snapped open his eyes. Two hands on his sword, guided by the heart beats, he took aim. "Here goes nothing," he whispered, then swung.

Lueken was afire with fury, yet was powerless to do anything about his situation. Across from him B'naire sat on her knees, hands bound behind her back, a gag in her mouth. A strange dark skinned creature that could be a distant kin to elves, or orcs, he was unable to decide. Either way he hated that creature dressed in black light leather armor. Twin scimitars crossed making an X just behind her neck waiting, eagerly, for one fatal move.

He hated the creature behind him more. Cowardly beings that snuck in while they slept and binding them up before they had any clue what was going on. Lueken suspected they had been drugged first, which made them that much more cowardly in his eyes. When he came to he had challenged both of them to a fair fight. They would hear none of it and the scum behind him gave him a beating that left him covered in nasty bruises.

The only mistake they made was the binding around his wrist, though tightly bound they underestimated his strength. He knew he could easily break free of them, but he couldn't. The assailant behind him had one wickedly shard blade pressed against his throat. He could feel blood trickle down his neck and chest and knew his throat could be slit in a blink of an eye.

All he needed was a distraction, just a moment, to take the focus off of him. Giving his size even in a squat he could feel the breath of the creature on the back of his head. All he would have to do was head butt him. Having no options he prayed to the war god Allizar. Seconds later his prayers were answered. The glowing tip of a diamond blade slashed through the wall continuing on the slice to top half of the head off the creature behind B'naire.

With a silent 'thank you' to his god he snapped his head back as hard as he could. A wicked smile spread his lips when he heard a crunch upon impact. A heave of his arms easily snapped his bindings. With one arm he pushed the blade away and with the other he sent its elbow into the face of his attacker. He got to his feet and rushed over to the young woman to help her free of her bindings.

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