Chapter 3

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                The forest came to life with the rise of the sun. The birds, flying through the trees, sang to the sun of a new day. The forest floor was alive with the scampering of critters. All of those sounds together worked as a natural alarm clock for Sebastian. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked around, checking out his surroundings. As soon as he began to sit up he noticed that his body was sore, the result of months of laziness and his recent unexpected exercise.

"'Bout time you awaken." The barbarian announced as he handed Seb a clay bowl filled with porridge and fresh berries mixed in with it.

"Not use to waking up at the crack of dawn." Seb explained as he gingerly took the bowl. His arms seemed to hurt the most. He winced through every bite he took, though the pain barely slowed down his eating. Seb made short work of his first bowl, and then his second, the giant can cook he thought to himself after he was finished.

"So, you really plan to see the dragon today?" Seb asked, trying to hold back a smile, thinking it humorous to be asking such a question seriously.

"I plan to get answers from the dragon." Lueken corrected.

"And you believe he will know what happened to your tribe?"

"The legends of my people speak of Ziegfornell as the mighty and all-knowing red dragon. Who has called that mountain home and has watched over this land for thousands of years." Lueken answered matter-of-factly, as though that's all the proof he needed.

Red dragon! Seb thought back to the dream he had his first night in this place. Maybe there is a connection he wondered, but then quickly shook the thought away, thinking how ridiculous it sounded. But if this dragon was all knowing maybe he could get some answers too. He didn't have any other leads besides this one so he decided that he too would go.

"I would like to go with you." Sebastian said after little more thought. "I too would like to have some answers from Ziegfornell."

"What if it comes to a fight? You have no weapons and barely the skill to use them if you had."

"Lets just hope he is a friendly dragon and it doesn't come to that." He answered forcing a smile and hiding is trepidation about meeting a dragon. Lueken just nodded his agreement and started to break down camp.

Within an hour they were out from under the canopy of leaves and walking in an open field and in the warmth of the morning sun. There was a slight chill in the air, the remnants of winter's touch quickly leaving this area. Sebastian took in the sights all around. The rolling hills covered in a carpet of green grass blowing in the breeze. Looking out into the distance it resembled an ocean of green, the blowing breeze giving the illusion of a current. Seb looked up at his huge friend, who was likewise lost in the sight of this beautiful landscape. Even though this was the barbarian's home Seb could see the look of admiration and love in his eyes.

Their destination was The Dragon Tooth mountain. Seb understood the origins of that name when it came into view. It was conical in shape and rose thousands of feet in the air. It stood alone in this sea of grass. As if it were a tooth from a long dead and gigantic beast. That is also where Seb found himself in this strange land, now he's going back to find out why.

By midday they made it to the base of the mountain. Neither of them talked during the walk, each lost in their own thoughts.

"We will stop here and rest before we go any further." Lueken commanded. He pulled off his pack and began digging through it. A moment later he produced a water skin and a few pieces of dried meat. "There is a cave a good ways up the mountain we must climb to." The man explained after taking a bite of his jerky.

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