Chapter 24

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Ceradell began to reach her hand out towards Sebastian, rather weakly. He quickly grabbed her hand, tears pouring from his eyes; a combination of grief and relief. "Please save your strength." He whispered lovingly to her, his voice cracking past the lump in his throat.

She tried to smile at him, but failed, she was still too weak. She took a minute to gather some strength, even though he entire body was racked with terrible pain. "I...I don't." She took a couple deep breathes. " Don't want you to... to blame yourself."

He could barely hear he whispers so he leaned in, his ear next to her mouth.

"Please... for me. It was an... accident." She finished

Tears flowed even greater from his eyes. He did this to her, and she wants him to not blame himself. He knew he pain must be severe and she was thinking of his well being. "I love you." He was finally able to say past the ever growing lump. He had to swallow several times before he was able to say those three powerful words.

Ceradell managed a meek half smile. "And I you." Then she drifted into unconsciousness.

"Sweet dreams." Sebastian said and kissed her forehead softly.

"Sebastian." Aangrella spoke drawing his attention. "You should leave her to rest. B'naire has much work to do." She spoke kindly enough, but Sebastian new it was more a demand than a request.

Sebastian said "Bye." To B'naire and left somberly without saying another word.

The half dwarf girl watched her friend go with worry in her heart. She forcefully cast it aside to focus on the matter at hand.

Sebastian walked lost in thought, he let his feet guide him. He past many elves as he did, many greeting him; none of whom he knew personally. He was so deep in his thoughts and mood so foul he didn't even bother to acknowledge them. He thought he saw Drugeon in the distance trying to flag him down, Sebastian ignored him and continued his walk in self pity.

Within minutes he was walking along the path that led down the plateau to the forest below. When Ceradell had first took him to the forest, to the training grounds, he was astonished by the way down. At the southern edge of the plateau a massive root, from the Monarch, hollowed out and delve into the rock. Roughly twenty feet down the root emerged from the side. From there the root turned into and open ramp that gradually declined, winding its way around the plateau northward.

Now he just absently walked the path not paying any real attention to the view of the forest below. When his feet touched the soft forest litter he figured he was subconsciously headed towards the training grounds. It was then he figured out what he must do, train, gain control of whatever power resides in him.

He heard the clash of swords through the thick trees before he came upon the small meadow the elves used at the training ground. Along the walk he thought on Ceradell's word greatly, using her words to build his resolve. Slowly he was able to turn his sadness and despair over what he'd done into anger; so by the time he made it to the clearing his tears had dried and his heart ached a little less.

He instantly saw Lueken and Finrael sparring, he stopped at the edge of the trees so he could watch without being spotted easily. The two fighting was a sight to behold. He was unable to see how his and Ceradell's sparring matches went but he imagined that they weren't this intense.

Finrael was tall and slender yet had the strength to wield two long swords; his unbound silver hair waving in the wind of his movements. Tall though he was, to Sebastian's standards, the barbarian still stood at the least a foot and a half above him; Lueken fighting with his double bladed axe. It appeared to Sebastian that the big man had gained some speed while sparring with the elf.

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