Chapter 29

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"That was some show." Lueken stated to Sebastian.

Rosdrael had summoned the other six to the same dining room they had used previously. It had become their impromptu war-room. The table no longer had the map stretched out on it. This time a dusty grey cloth covered the table, and hiding the objects that lay underneath. It gave the table a landscape of mystery, Sebastian didn't bother trying to guess way lie hidden, figuring he'd find out soon enough.

Sebastian, with great effort, held back a flush of embarrassment. "I honestly don't know what came over me." He thought on his words then added, "However, I did mean every word."

"I thought it was inspiring." Praised B'naire cheerfully with a beaming smile. The young woman seemed oddly cheerful this morning.

"Of course you would." Ceradell muttered under her breath. Then she spoke louder, "Many of the crowd thought it was inspiring. It was a very good thing you did for my people, Sebastian." She leaned in and gave him a peck on his cheek, watching B'naire as she did so. The girl didn't seem to care, curious thing indeed.

"We've not the time for this pointless banter." Growled Finrael. He welcomed the glares he received with a smug scowl.

There would have been an awkward silence if not for the sounds of the dwarf shoveling food into his mouth, seemingly oblivious to anything being spoken. Sebastian knew that was not the case, though.

"Finrael is correct, we have not the time for these matters. He could have spoken better to convey his point." Rosdrael reprimanded. Normally he would apologize for his underling's sharp tongue, but to what end? "We have much to prepare for in order for Finrael, Lueken and the others to depart at sunrise." He turned his white gaze to the Barbarian. "I noticed you don't have your axe with you. Is it back in your room?"

"I am shamed to admit I allowed it to get broken during a sparring match with Fin. I have disgraced myself and the memory of mine people." Lueken said solemnly, running a hand down his chin, smoothing his beard.

"Good." Rosdrael said.

Before he could finish his thought Lueken interrupted, "Good? Good?! How is that good?" He was nearly yelling with self-pity.

"You didn't let me finish." The elder stated calmly, yet his tone had the hardness of authority. "I doubt your people see you any differently for having broken your weapon. It's good that you did, for I have a way for you to further honor your ancestors."

"How might that be?" Lueken grunted. Damn elves and their dance with words.

"Remove the cloth if you would."

With a quick yank the cloth fluttered through the air and rested on the floor at the big man's feet. Several objects lay upon the table yet one immediately grabbed hold of his attention. "It...It can't be." He stammered in awe.

"I surmise you know what lays before you?" Rosdrael asked, a pride-filled smile on his lips. "Go on pick it up."

Cautiously Lueken reached out his right hand, almost afraid that the weapon before him was an illusion and would surely disappear once he grabs for it; or that it would deem him unworthy. It didn't however, his large hand wrapped around the black leather wrappings on the haft. Lueken was nearly giddy with excitement as he stood, raising the axe in the air, feeling its weight. It was heavy, heavier than his old axe; yet not as heavy as he had imagined.

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