Chapter 35

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Sebastian trotted his way over towards Ixam, trying his best not to let his weariness show. Ceradell was to his left side, wearing a disapproving scowl like a mask. With his sword in hand his righteous fury burned slightly brighter than without, yet that fire was quickly simmering into embers. Healing Ceradell, taking on some of her turmoil doused the fire of his fury. With that slipping so was the strength required to hold his spell.

To ease the burden Sebastian snapped his fingers and his hold over Ixam, Lueken, and B'naire; to his dismay she had rejoined the front lines of the fray. He would've added Drugeon, but he couldn't find the surely dwarf anywhere nearby. Probably got tired from the fighting and tracked down some army rations and was stuffing his face at the moment.

To keep the fighting to a minimal he left Ixam's two men locked up in his spell. What he needed to do had to be done fast and with little distraction as possible.

"What is the meaning of this Lord Hail?" Lueken questioned in his gruff voice.

"I too would like to know." Voiced B'naire her tone held a bit more to it than her normal meekness. Sebastian detected hints of confidence and a smidge of authority, he couldn't help to smile a wisp of a smile. His pride in her emerging from her shy introvert shell showing through.

B'naire shot a glance Ceradell's way looking for an answer. All she received was a shrug and a apologetic shake of her head.

"Time is short," He spoke to his companions. "So please watch and listen." He turned a glare on each of them that said he meant business. He received nods of agreement from them before he turned to Ixam.

As Sebastian and companions made their way towards the King he grabbed his chained sickles from the hooks on his belt. Sebastian noticed the movement and decided to sheath his sword. Lueken did likewise, but wore a smug countenance.

Ceradell had her swords in a white-knuckled grip, wild fire in her eyes, and a scowl so fierce it would make a mountain troll blanch. Sebastian grabbed her right arm gently and made her look at him. "The fighting is over my love, please put those away." He pleaded to her in a whisper. He took her face between his hands and kissed her forward. They locked eyes and Sebastian gave her a look that said he didn't want her to argue.

Reluctantly and with a frustrated sigh she slammed her blades into their sheathes at her hips. She planted her hands on her hips, just inches away from her sword hilts.

"Before I release my spell I need your promise to have your soldiers stand down. You have my word that I will do the same." Sebastian announced to Ixam when he stopped a few paces before him.

"Why would I do such a thing?" Ixam asked.

"Because I am surrendering to you." Sebastian answered flatly.

As soon as he voiced those words a cacophony of objections slammed his ears from his three companions. King Ixam eyed him with suspicions, Sebastian could see the gears turning in the King's eyes as he pondered on Sebastian's honor. Whether or not he could trust in his word. Sebastian ignored his friends as he waited on Ixam.

"Why would you surrender?" Ixam, giving voice to his suspicions.

"The simple answer is that there has been too much death this day from elf and Shadoworc alike. I wish not to see anymore this day from neither elf or your kin." Sebastian explained to the King.

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