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"so welcome to lincoln high! it's a bit of a dump but it's fine, you get used to it after a while."

i laughed at her statement and she continued.

"do you have your schedule yet?"

i shook my head and pulled out my phone.

"no, i have to go to the office and see ms johnson?"

ellie nodded her head.

"ms johnson's lovely, i'll take you to her."

she took my hand and led me to the office, knocking softly on the door and opening it.

"ms johnson?"

a middle aged lady with short brown hair, looked up from her computer and smiled.

"ellie dear, how can i help you?"

she pulled me closer so i was now in ms johnson's view.

"this is georgia harte, she's new and she's looking for her schedule."

ms johnson smiled at me and shook my hand.

"of course. hello dear, i'm ms johnson and welcome to lincoln high, i'm sure you'll love it here."

"probably not, this place is a shithole."

ellie mumbled from beside me and i giggled.

"come on ellie, you know it's not that bad."

ms johnson shot her a glare and ellie laughed.

"thanks ms j, i'll see you later."

"bye girls!"

we walked out of the office and ellie snatched the piece of paper from my hand. she glanced at it carefully before smiling from ear to ear.

"what's up?"

"we have 4 lessons together!"

i frowned.

"well that doesn't seem like a lot."

"it's not, i was just trying to make it better."

i rolled my eyes and she laughed bringing me over to my locker.

"so this is yours, do you know how to open it?"

i nodded.

"i've used a locker before ell."

she laughed.

"okay, just double checking."

i opened my locker and as i was placing my books in it, a tall blonde came up to ellie and kissed her. i furrowed my eyebrows in disgust and coughed lightly making them pull away from each other.

"oh, sorry georgia, i forgot about you."

she blushed and i playfully rolled my eyes, smiling at the tooth gapped boy beside her.

"hi i'm georgia."

"i'm daniel."

he smiled brightly at me and i couldn't lie, he was cute, but not my type. out of nowhere, four voices came shouting from the distance.

"get some daniel!"


daniel and ellie started laughing, a blush furiously appearing on both of their cheeks.

the boys came over to us and stopped, staring me up and down.

"who's the new girl?"

a short blonde dude stared at me and i furrowed my eyebrows at him.

"georgia harte, nice to meet you all."

i smiled at them all and they all smiled back except for an average height brunette, with cute rosy cheeks. he just stared with his mouth slightly agape.

i furrowed my eyebrows yet again and waved my hand in front of his face.

"hey dude you okay?"

he snapped out of his trance and stuttered.

"uh um, yeah you're just, wow."

i blushed and thanked him, looking down at my shoes.

the taller brunette rolled his eyes and spoke.

"i'm jonah."

he pointed at the tall blonde next to him.

"this is corbyn."

he then pointed to the shorter blonde.

"this is jack."

then he pointed to the cute brunette.

"and romeo over here is zach."

"but you can call me your future husband."


liked by user1, elliet, imzachherron and 2,463 more

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liked by user1, elliet, imzachherron and 2,463 more

georgia.harte best friend 🥺🤍

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user1 cuties 🥺

elliet love you dude 🤪💗
- georgia.harte i was talking about the dog 😳
- elliet oh 😔

imzachherron damn 🥵
- georgia.harte 😳

user2 i love you 🤍🤍🤍

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