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"so how was detention?"

"eh it was okay, zachs dancing made everything better though."

i smirked at him and he playfully flipped me off.

"am i missing something here?"

i looked at jonah and let out a laugh.

"have you not been on instagram?"

he shook his head and everyone pulled out their phones.

"you're a bitch, harte."

i blew him a kiss and he slightly blushed.

"oh my god zach!"

they all started laughing and zach went red with embarrassment.

"why did you do that?"

corbyn asked through laughs.

"we were playing would you rather, but you had to do what you would rather do."

"well that explains it then."

everyone finally calmed down and jonah spoke up.

"so is everyone coming back to my house? my parents aren't home so we can do whatever."

everyone nodded and looked at me.

"i'll have to ask my mum."

we started walking to the cars and i pulled out my phone, clicking on the contact that said 'mother dearest 🤪🤍'.


"hi mum, it's georgia."

"oh hi sweetie! how was your first day?"

"yeah it was good, made friends, also got detention but we don't need to talk about that."

i knew she rolled her eyes, i'm kinda psychic.

"i'm not surprised, anyway what do you want?"

"can i not just speak to my mum because i want to?"

"no. now what do you want."

"can i go to a friends house for a while?"

"is this friend a boy?"


she sighed.

"yeah fine, just don't do anything stupid, and use protection."

"oh my god mum."

"right i'll see you when you get home, have fun!"


she hung up the phone and everyone was looking at me.


"yeah, let's go guys."

they cheered and i got into a red jeep, that turned out to be jacks car, with zach and corbyn, and everyone else got in jonahs car.

"seatbelts on."

"it's okay, georgia doesn't need one, i'll protect her."

"fuck off herron."

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