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"georgia! get your ass up now or you're gonna be late!"

i shot up in the bed and widened my eyes looking at my clock that said 6:24. i rolled my eyes and sighed. stupid parents waking me up before i had to get up.

i got out of bed, my bare feet hitting the cold floor and walked into the shower. i washed my hair and body and got out drying my hair with the hairdryer.

i did some light makeup which consisted of blush, highlight, my eyebrows, some mascara and lip gloss. i walked over to my closet and changed into an oversized black sweater and some blue mom jeans. i was never one to make an impression. i put a brush through my hair and left it in its natural state.

i checked the time again and it said 6:58 and i grabbed my bag and headed downstairs.

"morning mom."

she smiled at me and continued slicing some strawberries for my younger sister poppy, who was laughing randomly in her high chair.

"morning sweetie, you ready for your first day?"

i sighed and grabbed two slices of bread, slotting them in the toaster.

"i guess, it doesn't really bother me anymore."

she sighed and washed her hands.

"i know it's tough moving around a lot, but we do appreciate you being okay with it."

i smiled and grabbed the butter out of the fridge and popped the toaster, spreading the butter onto the bread.

"it's not like i really have a choice mom."

she smiled and pecked the top of my head as i walked to the fridge and poured myself some apple juice, taking a seat at the kitchen island. i smiled at poppy who clapped her hands.

"how are you getting to school?"

"i'm just gonna catch the bus."

she nodded and looked at the time.

"then you better be going, it's 7:12 already and the bus will be here at 7:30."

i nodded and stood up placing my plate in the dishwasher. i ran up the stairs and grabbed my phone off charge, running back down the stairs.

"bye mom!"

"bye honey, have a great day!"

i ran outside and just caught the big yellow bus that was outside my house and jumped on it, smiling at the bus driver.

i looked around for a seat, when a cute girl with black, curly hair waved at me, smiling brightly.

i walked over to her and sat down next to her, her positive energy radiating off her like the sun.

"hi! i'm ellie!"

she smiled brightly and stuck her hand out for me to shake. i placed my hand in hers and smiled back at her.

"i'm georgia."

"well it's lovely to meet you georgia. we're best friends now, hope that's okay."

i nodded and laughed slightly.

"of course it is."


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georgia.harte school 😔

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user1 you're so pretty 🥺

user2 i LOVE your sweater 🤩🤩

hater1 ew 🤢

user3 this hair >>>> 🤩

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