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"so how has life been?"

she nudged my shoulder and smiled at me as i ran a hand through my hair.

"yeah it's good, i'm kinda in a band."

she gasped and widened her eyes.

"no fucking way! i remember you always used to tell me that you'd join a band one day."

i smiled as i remembered all of our memories together.

"yeah, crazy how life turns out."

"so that girl in there, what is she your girlfriend?"

i looked at kay and she looked at her feet, messing with her fingers.

"no, not yet anyway. i was gonna ask her before you came."

"oh well sorry for ruining your moment."

she rolled her eyes and i put my hand on her shoulder.

"no no! i didn't mean it like that i just- you know."

she laughed and nodded.


we sat in a comfortable silence for a moment before she spoke.

"i miss you zach."

i sighed and shook my head.

"kay no-."

"zach come on, don't you remember all the good times we had? i was your first everything z, you don't just forget that."

"and i haven't, but i've moved on kay. it was 4 years ago, i've moved on, so should you."

she looked up at me and i got a good look at her gorgeous blue eyes; the ones that i had fallen in love with when i was fourteen, and i felt all the feelings that i had buried down deep inside of me come rushing back up and i felt myself leaning in.

she took the hint quite quickly and smashed her lips on mine. the kiss got deeper and i found myself pulling her onto my lap, slipping my tongue into her mouth. her hands found their way into my hair and mine were trailing over her back.

we made out for a while but broke away abruptly when we heard a sob. i turned my head and my heart sunk when i saw georgia, her eyes full with tears.

"georgia it's not what it looks like-."

but she has ran inside before i had a chance to explain.

i pushed kay off of me and stood up running in her direction but ellie stood in front of me.

"ellie what are you doing i need to-."

"zach no. you've hurt her and she needs time, so give it to her."

she looked kay up and down and gave her a dirty look.

"that's the least you could do."

she turned around and stormed back inside and i sunk to the ground. kay came over to me and wrapped her arms around my neck but i pushed her away.


"no kay. we shouldn't have done that. i fucked up big time and now i've probably lost the girl that i'm in love with forever."

she looked taken back.

"wait, you love her?"

she knitted her eyebrows and looked at me.

"yes kay, i fucking love that girl with all of my heart and now i fucked it all up."

she shook her head and fixed her hair.

"you don't love her zach, because if you did you wouldn't have even thought of doing that with me."

she pecked my cheek and walked off.

"i still have the same number if you wanna call me sometime."

she walked back through the double doors and i thought about how i felt.

did i really love georgia? or was she just an excuse to get over kay?

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