𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝘁𝘄𝗼

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we walked into the restaurant laughing and talking about god knows what and found a booth that fitted all of us. i sat beside christina and jack and across from ellie.

"hey i'm gonna get orders what does everyone want?"

everyone started shouting out orders and i got up.

"i'll come with you."

me and daniel walked up to the register and ordered our food.

"so how you feeling?"

he gave me a look of sympathy and i sighed.

"heartbreak sucks bro. i just wish i didn't waste my time on him y'know?"

he nodded and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, as i leaned in and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"thanks for being there for me, and everyone else i really appreciate you guys."

he shook his head and i lifted mine off his shoulder.

"don't be stupid. we all love you, of course we're gonna be there for you."

i smiled at him and i punched his shoulder.

"alright simp, no need to get soppy on me."

he chuckled and rolled his eyes as the waiter gave us trays for our food. we thanked him and turned around, and as we began walking back to the table the door opened.

i looked over and my heart dropped when i saw kay and zach walk in, his arm around her, both laughing and smiling. they looked in love.

daniel followed my gaze, and frowned when he saw what i was looking at.

"cmon george, you don't need this."

i nodded and as i went to look away, he made eye contact with me. his face had no expression on it and i scoffed, walking off.

"what took you guys so long?"

"zach and kay are here."

i rolled my eyes at the mention of their names and sat back in my seat, leaning my head on christina. she rubbed my shoulder and leaned her chin on my head.

"he's a dick g, you don't need that in your life."

i nodded and sighed, placing a chip in my mouth.

"but he went after her, and not me. he never cared about me did he?"

my voice cracked and i felt the tears threaten to escape my eyes. i sniffled and jack gave me a hug.

"i think he did in some way, but he cares about her more, as much as it sucks to think about it's true."

i nodded and sniffed, rubbing my nose on corbyns jacket sleeve that he gave me.

"awh dude really? that's my jacket."

i laughed and apologized and we all ate our food.

"everyone ready to leave?"

we nodded but i had to pee.

"i just have to pee and then we'll go."

i walked off to the bathroom and did my business and as i went to walk back to the group, a pair of arms trapped me. i looked up and was met with his brown eyes and i rolled my eyes.

"zach let me go."

"georgia can we just talk about it, please?"

his voice sounded desperate and i sighed. i nodded and he walked us over to the nearest table, as we sat opposite each other.

"i'm really sorry georgia, for everything. for leading you on, ruining your prom night, and for hurting you in general. i never should've made you fall for me, when i never really loved you anyway and i'm sorry for that."

my jaw dropped and he looked down at his shoe.

"you're such a dick zach."

i threw a random drink in his face that i found on the table next to us, and he gasped.

"georgia what the fuck?!"

"fuck you zach, that's nothing compared to what you did to me."

i stood up and grabbed my purse.

"don't ever fucking talk to me again."

i stormed off and got into jonahs car, slamming the door shut.

ellie turned to me and rubbed my shoulder.

"you wanna talk about it?"

i shook my head and wiped my eyes.

"hey you guys wanna stay at my house tonight?"

the girls nodded and i sighed, leaning back in my seat, staring out the window.

fuck you zach herron.

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