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"morning g."

two hands wrapped around my shoulder and i smiled.

"morning jo, morning guys."

"so how was your kiss last night?"

corbyn smirked at me and i gasped and looked at zach.

"you told them?"

he smirked at me and i slapped his shoulder.


"hey! you said you enjoyed the kiss this morning."

"no, i said it was okay, i've had better."

he gasped and i playfully rolled my eyes shutting my locker.

"that's so rude!"

we all laughed and the bell rung, signaling for the start of maths.

"come on jack, let's go."

"bye guys see you at lunch!"

i walked with jack to maths and we sat down at the back of the classroom. the teacher came in and started explaining the meaning of pie. i dozed off within two minutes and jack nudged me making me jolt my eyes open.


"you fell asleep and the teacher was gonna coming."

i looked up and the teacher was staring at me and i secretly high fives jack under the table.

"thanks j."

"so tell me, how exactly do you feel towards zach?"

i frowned and looked at him, a confused expression on my face.

"i feel nothing towards him."

he laughed and shook his head.


"you're such a bad liar."

i gasped.

"no i'm not!"

"georgia, it's so obvious that you like him. don't think that we don't see the way you look at him. we see you sneak glances at him when you think no ones looking. we see the way that you smile and your eyes twinkle when he walks into a room. we see it all g."

my jaw dropped and i gulped. was i really that obvious?

i sighed and he smirked at me.

"so i'll ask you again, how do you feel about zach?"


liked by imzachherron, jackaverymusic and 32,491 others

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liked by imzachherron, jackaverymusic and 32,491 others

georgia.harte on my simp shit 🥺👉🏻👈🏻

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