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"wow, not at all cliche."

i rolled my eyes and he stared me up and down, licking his lips.

"but damn ma, you fine."

i heard ellie snicker from behind me and i spun my head around, glaring at her and she immediately shut up. the bell rang signaling the start of the first class and i closed my locker.

"you ready to go?"

ellie nodded and jonah asked a question.

"where are you guys now?"


he nodded and we said our goodbyes, going our separate ways.

"so you and zach huh?"

she winked at me and i playfully flipped her off.

"no, he's cute but that's it."

"that's what they all say."

we walked into the classroom and the teacher started shouting at us because we were late.

"how dare you be late to my class?!"

"ms toulouse, chill she's new and i was helping her find her way around the school."

"that is no excuse to be late to my class!"

i decided to speak up now.

"ms the warning bell went like 4 minutes ago so technically we still had 1 minute to get to class, so you don't have the right to get mad."

the class 'ooed' and the teacher got even more pissed.

"how dare you give me attitude! that's detention for you after school!"

i went to protest but she stopped me.

"it's not up for discussion, now take a seat and do NOT interrupt my class again."

i huffed and walked over to the desk beside ellie who sighed at me.

"first day and you've already got detention."

"fucking tell me about it. what a bitch."

the class slowly dragged by, and then it was time for biology.

i walked into the lab and saw the familiar blonde boy i spoke to this morning. he saw me at the door and waved me over to sit beside him.

"hey george."

"hey corbyn."

"how was french with ms toulouse, i heard she can be a bit of a bitch."

he gave me a knowing look and i sighed.

"she gave me detention for 'giving attitude'"

i put quotation marks around the words and he laughed.

"only you g, only you."

i laughed with him and the teacher walked in explaining to us what we would be doing for the rest of the year.

"hey what class do you have next?"

i pulled out my timetable and looked at my next subject.

"uhm chemistry."

"zach takes chemistry."

he smirked at me and i groaned, placing my head in my hands.

"he's not that bad y'know."

"seems like he's just a typical player to me."

"he normally is but i can tell that he's different around you."

"how would you know? i've only been here for like an hour."

"i just know, just, don't shut him down straight away?"

i sighed and nodded.

"fine, i'll give him a shot."



and then the bell went, signaling for my next class to start and corbyn smiled at me cockily.

"have fun with romeo."

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