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i looked at myself in the mirror one more time and smiled. the dress hugged my figure perfectly and the loose curls flowed down my back, decorated with little silver clips in the front.

i slipped on my shoes and put my phone in my clutch, slowly walking down the stairs. everyone's attention was then on me and everyone gasped. there was a chorus of 'wows', 'oh my gods' and a 'holy shit' from zach.

i smiled at them all and zach took my hand as i reached the bottom step.

"you look amazing g."

he kissed my cheek and i blushed.

"you don't look too bad yourself zachary."

she shook his head and smiled as we turned to our families. zachs family had come over to take pictures and they were the sweetest people i have ever met.

"okay picture time!"

my mom enthusiastically spoke and i rolled my eyes as she led us outside to the nicely decorated patio area. we took many different pictures and every time zach touched me, my heart rate increased rapidly.

the car pulled up outside and we said our goodbyes and walked into the limo that my dad had rented for the evening. we got in the seats and he placed his hand on my thigh and i sighed contently.

"i mean it george, you look really incredible."

"you too zach."

he smiled at me and kissed the top of my head as we took off towards the school.

"georgia! oh my god i love your dress!"

the girls ran over to me as zach went over to the boys and did their handshake thing. we all admired each other and then went over to the boys.

"g you look like shit."

jack smirked at me and i flipped him off. we all took pictures together and then walked inside. the gym was nicely decorated with gold fairylights and white and baby pink flowers everywhere.

"you did a good job el."

she smiled and thanked me.

"i'm gonna get us some drinks okay?"

i nodded at zach and he walked off to the table. he came back a short moment later with some punch and i thanked him.

'adore you' by harry styles came through the speakers and we decided to dance. we danced for about 20 minutes before we decided to take a break. the group separated and went different ways and me and zach ended up by the stage.

"you having fun so far?"

i nodded at him and took a sip of my punch, that tasted like ass btw, and adjusted my dress.

"yeah, it's so nicely decorated. wish i had better company though."

i playfully nudged his shoulder and he pushed me back. 'say so' by doja cat was quickly replaced with 'little things' by one direction and zach gave me a cheeky grin. he held his hand out and took my cup out of my hand.

"may i have this dance?"

he spoke in a posh english accent and i laughed, placing my hand in his. he stood up and brought us to the dance floor, placing his hands on my waist and i wrapped mine around his neck. he pulled me closer so there was no room between our bodies. i blushed furiously so i hid my face in the crook of his neck, causing him to chuckle.

i eventually brought my face out of his neck and looked him in the eyes.

"i really like you georgia."

i smiled."

"i really like you too zach."

he smiled and leaned in, and it felt like time had stopped. he finally placed his lips on mine and i felt complete, fireworks going off in my stomach. he deepened the kiss and slipped his toungue in my mouth and as things were about to get even more intense, we were pulled away by a teacher.

we burst into laughter and then the song changed to and upbeat one. he let go of my waist and held my hands instead. he looked deeply into my eyes and he looked nervous.

"z? you okay?"

"uhm yeah, i-."

he cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair.

"georgia, do you maybe wanna be-."

"zach herron oh my god!"

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