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"oh look, it's my future girlfriend!"

the rosy cheeked brunette smiled brightly as he strolled over to me, sitting down in the empty seat beside me.

i playfully rolled my eyes, but smiled as i was quite amused by him.

"hello again zach."

"hey princess."

i felt a slight blush rise up to my cheeks and i quickly looked away.

"so how are you liking the school so far?"

"yeah, it's okay. the people i've spoken to seem nice, my french teachers a bitch, and i have detention after school, so yeah it's great."

i smiled sarcastically and he let out a laugh, and it was music to my ears.

"of course you would."

the teacher came in and handed us lab coats and goggles, and told us what we were going to be doing.

in pairs, we grabbed test tubes and different chemicals and started mixing them together.

"so i don't know about you, but i'm already feeling some chemistry between the two of us."

he placed his hands on my waist and winked and i rolled my eyes, slightly pushing him off.

"fuck off herron."

he cheekily smiled and poured some red liquid into the tube and my eyes widened as i realized that he wasn't supposed to do that.

"no, zach you weren't supposed to-."


i was cut off by a big explosion, and i slowly looked up and saw a massive hole in the desk. me and zach looked at each other with guilty looks on our faces and the teacher came up to us, shaking her head in disappointment.

"what happened?"

"it was zachs fault miss, he wasn't listening to what we had to do and he poured the wrong thing into the tubes."

"well thanks for not dropping me in it."

he rolled his eyes and the teacher shook her head again.

"why am i not surprised, you guys can both clean this up and zach that's detention for you after school."

the teacher walked off and zach looked at me with a wide smile on his face. i gave him a weird look.

"why are you happy about getting into trouble?"

"because now we have detention together!"

oh no.

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