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"You need to stay home for this one son," My father said as I was putting my shoes on. I looked at him and I was about to ask him why,but he beat me to it. "With the tournament coming up, we can't have you getting hurt or injured." He told me and I groaned before I took my shoes back off and sat back into my bed. "I'm sorry boy, but if something happens to you, then you can't compete in the tournament, and I'm not going to let that happen," He then told me, patting my head.

"I just don't see why I have to sit back. I'm the best one in this damn mafia..." I whined and my dad sighed. "Well boy, I've recently talked to the other mafias-" "Wait, you actually talked the others?"

"Yes, I talked to Mr. Styles, Tomlinson, and Malik. We've all decided to keep you boys at home, so it's not only you who is going to be staying home. Now I want you to stay here and you better not leave hear without saying anything to the maid or nanny. Do you hear me?" He asks and I held back an eye roll. He seriously can't be serious right now...

"Yes sir..." I said. He stood up from my bed and walked out. I pulled out my phone and saw a couple of messages which is weird because I'm not really connected to the outside world. I clicked on the message and was a little surprised as to what the second message was. You have been added to 'I don't fucking know' Start chatting now! I clicked on it and started to type since I really didn't see anything else that told me who was in the chat. It was just a bunch of numbers...

Niall: Umm, hello?
8329025929: Sup.
8321904821: Hi.
2814902742: Hello there.
Niall: Who are you guys?
2814902742: The one who said sup is Zayn. The hi was from Louis and I am Harry. This is Niall, right?

Niall: Yeah? How were we connected?
Harry: My father always leaves his office unlocked and he doesn't really hide stuff really well.

Louis: Why did he want to hide phone numbers?
Harry: Because I told him yesterday that we have no reason to be enemies, and I told him that I was pretty chill with you... skipping the whole scolding bullshit, and he told me that if I formed an alliance with any of you that it would be the most dumbest of choices that I would've made as a fresh leader.

Zayn: I don't see how it would be dumb...
Louis: Yeah, if anything, it would actually be the smartest. Adding more chaos out there and having a lot more backup.
Niall: I agree with this^

Niall: Anyways, what's with the name?
Zayn: Harry really didn't know what to call it since he doesn't know us.
Harry: And I'm so bored😣 In a huge ass mansion, with no one here...seriously what did my father think of leaving me here.

Louis: The possibilities of getting "hurt" or "injured"...complete bullshit honestly....
Zayn: I flipped my dad off when he said that to me. This just sucks ass...i wanted to fight today too!
Harry: Like, do you know how fucking long I've been trained doing this crap?

Niall: I started when I was 12.
Louis: 14 for me.
Zayn: 16 for me.
Louis: Oh shit...
Zayn: No wonder your so damn good.

Harry: My father taught me the basics until he thought that 5 was a good age for me to start fighting. That was when I started to do normal fight training with my trainer Trevor. Then when I was 8, I started to do Karate with my second trainer Paul, and then when I was 10, I starred to do jiu-jitsu with my third trainer, Zack. AND HE FUCKING THINKS THAT I'M GOING TO GET HURT!

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