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I walked around my clients. The two of us were in the basement together and the client was crying. "Please. I said that Ibwas sorry! I miss my deadline, but I promise that I'll get the money to you next week," he told me as I was loading my gun. His pleas were annoying the fuck out of me.

"You know how I am with my money Mr. Andrew. Tell me one client that I have met that was able to bypass a deadline," I challenged him and all that he did was hiccup and cry some more. I rolled my eyes and walked to the front of him.

"It was my boys birthday, and he was turning 3 a-" "Did I ask why there is no money in my hand?" I asked and he closed his mouth automatically. "Now instead of telling your boy happy birthday, you could've shared with him and your wife how you made a deal with me and that all your boy was going to get from you was words instead of gifts," I told him and he shook his head at me. "Deal or not. I have a family and I am not going to move them aside for a douche like you," he told me and I chuckled.

"Chained up, beaten, slapped, abused, and you still have the nerve to talk to me like that?" I asked and pointed my gun at his head. "No. No! I didn't mean it, I swear," he told me and I smiled before lowering my weapon don. "Just please...please," he pleaded again. I sighed and walked around a little before I looked at the pathetic man.

"Is this 3 year old boy of yours your only son?" "No? Why?" He asked and I only looked at my gun. "No! Anything bu-" "Chill out. I'm not going to kill him or anything," I told him and he let out a puff of relief. "No, but he will be in my mafia." "What?" "I am willing to make a deal with you." "Really?!" "Yes. I will spare your life, but you are going to send your boy to this address so that he will be taken by my people."

"No! He's only 13!" "Alright then," I said and pointed my head back at his head and this time, I readied the gun. "Wait!" "Is that a deal that I hear?" "Will he be able to come home again?" "No. He is to stay here, and if he tries to escape, well...I guess he could come back to his house. It will be in a body bag though," I said and he froze.

"We can always just go this current route Mr. Andrew," I said and saved my gun around. "You just don't understand, do you?" He asked and I sighed and looked at him with an arched eyebrow." "Inagine your pregnant wi-" "I'm with a man, so." Pointed at the gun at his head again. "Just accept your fate Mr. Andrew, and everyone will be happy. Well....my people will be happy," I then said and his breath hitched.

"I'll....I'll do it. I'll give you my son," he told me and I hummed before putting my gun down and I smiled at him. "See. Two options aren't so hard, now are they?" I asked and he glared at me. "Careful with your looks. I can still call off the deal and just put a fresh bullet into that stupid head of yours," I pointed out and he stopped giving me the glare.

I walked to the door and I grabbed the door handle. "Wait! Aren't you going to release me?" He aksed and I shook my head. "Setting you free and taking you back to your home is not my job. It's my team's job. My job was only to torture and possibly kill you," I told him before I opened the door and I walked out of the room. "What are you planning on doing with him sir?" "Set him free." "Si-" "Don't worry, he will be killed at some point. We made a little deal. His son to be a part of this mafia instead of taking his life."

"I thought that we were the type to take lives of those that don't pay up for their actions?" Giles and I looked at him. "Are you questioning the way that I handle my business?" I asked and he looked at Brendon before he looked at me and shook his head. "Good. Now when we get that boy of his, the he will have his first task. That task will be for him to kill his own father." "Arent you worried that they will betray you or something?" Brendon asked and I smiled.

He slowly smiled to and the two of us started to laugh together. "I don't get it sir..." Giles said and Brendon sighed. "Giles, we don't have to worry about the two nimrods getting away because they are always being watched, so if they try anything, then they will be dead in 5 seconds," Brendon said and I nodded my head. "Now, where is my baby?" I asked. "Niall is with Louis in the gaming room. Harry is with his mom and they are in the kitchen baking together."

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