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"Shit!" I shouted as I was shot in the calf by one of the fucking cops. Yeah, after a few months of hearing absolutely nothing from these dumbass cops, they literally broke into our home and started to attack us. The worst part of this is that we didnt even see this coming. We were all practically still waking up when this happened. Harry and I were taking a shower together when we heard the door bust open from downstairs. We hurried and got dressed and when we walked out of the room, there were three cops in our hallway and they pointed their guns at us immediately.

After a few reversals and trying to get our own weapons, we were now just hiding. The bullet only grazed my calf, but it still hurt like a son of a bitch. I looked at Harry, and he was already looking at me. Oh no...we were giving each other the look. You know...the 'I love you, but we might die' kind of look? Yeah, the one that our fathers have to us before they died. The one look that pisser us off for so long...before they went away. Dammit...

We might actually die. Like this may be our death day. I didnt think that my reign as leader was going to end so soon. My eyes actually began to water of the thought of me dying. The thought of Harry dying. The thought of anyone dying! This is so painful to think about and I don't want to think about it.

Harry quickly moved so that he was right next to me and he looked at my wound. "Do you think that you can last?" He asked me and I looked at it and then back at Harry. "I could try, but I won't be able to be so quick like how you and I want to." "Fuck..." he cursed and looked around. "Harry...is this the day? The day that we go?" I asked and he looked at me.

"You and I both know that I don't want to answer that question." "Harry, we are away from weaponry. We don't have anything, and we are hiding from two men who are shooting a-" "Guys!" I looked down the hall and Liam was there. "Is he st-" Marcel went right around the corner and shot four times. I turned and saw that he shot the cops right in the arm and throat.

Liam rushed over and placed two guns on the ground. "I know that you two are unarmed. Oh Louis, you are hurt! Harry, Marcel, cover me while I parch Louis up," Liam ordered and Harry nodded. Marcel and Harry took stances in front of us. The two faced the stairs since that's the only way of coming in while Liam was taking care of my grazed scar.

"Why are you helping me? Like I'm tour leader and all, but...we were not all friendly for that long," I said and Liam shrugged. "Well Harry loves you and you obviously feel the same way about Harry. Even though Harry and I aren't together anymore, I still consider him as a really good friend. He was not the only one with a awful past. My dad was selfish and abusive. He tried to sell me to different mafias and shit, but they never took me.

Harry's dad definitely never took me because he said 'He is your son whether you like it or not. He is your responsibility, and you have to take care of him.' That's why I never had issues with Des. Hatry was also there for me, whether he loved me romantically or not. We dud have a bond and he can't lie about that. There ate things that he has never told a single person, but he did with me. However, he has another person to go to. He has another person who will live hom and take care of him and have his back. He has another person who has his heart and soul and he has someone who he actually wants to be with forever. You.

Harry and I are really good friends now. You and I may have a few differences, but we are still friends. We may have moments where we just glare at one another, but you make Harry happy, so why not help the one person who brought the sun I to his dark heart?" He asked as he was wrapping my scar up now. "Carrful with the stitches, and if you ever need cover, then call me if Harry is not near you," he said and he handed me a gun.

I looked at it and looked at Liam. "Thank...thank you " I said as I took the gun from him. "No problem," he said and stood up. He lend me a hand and I took it. He helped me stand, and I was careful not to apply so much pressure on the wound. "Are you ready baby?" Harry asked as I felt his arm around my waist. I looked at him and nodded my head. "Alright then. We are going to have to seriously try our hardest to surpass this, so we need to watch out," Harry told us and we all nodded. "And baby, you can't be wild this time," he told me and I rolled my eyes.

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