8 (1 month later)

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"This is the 15th fight that Harry and Louis got into this past month, and Louis attacked Harry just yesterday," Ed said as the gang members were in the backyard, relaxing and thinking of what may be going on between their leaders. The leaders were either in their rooms or practicing. "Zayn and Niall have gotten into 20 fights this past month, and Zayn punched Niall in the nose this morning," Brendon said.

Meanwhile in the gym- "Break it up!" Zack shouted as he pulled Harry off of Louis, and Paul pulled Louis away from Harry. Trevor was in the middle, making sure that there was a distance between the two leaders. "I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!" Harry growled at Louis. "Not if I do it to you first, you prick!" Louis shouted back, and there was a moment where Harry broke free, dodged Trevor and tackled Louis to the ground again.

"Knock it off boys!" Henry shouted as they were handling Niall and Zayn. "Yeah! Why are you guys so eager to rip each others throats out?!?" Braden asked as he had Zayn held back. Henry was holding Niall back. "What the hell is going on?!" Gemma asked as she walked in and saw her brother attacking Louis. "Harry! Get off of him!" She shouted, but Harry didn't listen. "Harry, get off of Louis this instant!" Anne shouted this time.

Harry stooped and got off of Louis, listening to his mother. "Alright, now Louis, get out of that ring and get over here," Jay demanded and Louis sighed before he slid out of the ring. Harry watched him leave, and he may have looked at Louis's ass walking away from him. He thought that he was slick, but...his sister saw him looking and her eyes widened. "Oh shit!" She shouted and that knocked Harry right out of his trance.

Gemma knew something that the rest of the mafia members are trying to figure out. She figured out why these boys are getting into fights. She found out that they liked each other. She remembers talking to her brother about liking anyone, and she can remember the exact words that her brother said to her. "I'm too scared to fall for anyone. Because what if they are taken away from me? Just like dad was..."

Lottie heard her little shout and went over to her to see if she's alright. Soon all of the ladies were gathered around her, wondering what the big fuss was about. "They what now?" Lottie asked. "They like each other! I just watched Harry stare at Louis's ass and not only that, but don't you guys remember the times where they were pretty flirty around one another? That can't just be nothing!" Gemma squealed happily.

Lottie looked at her brother, who was staring at something. She followed his eyes and she saw that he was staring at Harry, who was working out. She looked back at Louis and she saw him bite his bottom lip. "Who you checking out big bro?!" She asked and Louis looked at her, blushed, and just turned around. She looked at Harry and he was looking at Louis. "Jesus fucking Christ!" Gemma shouted.

The boys turned to look at her. "Okay look and listen, because this has got to stop. You boys like each other, there's no lie about that. You can't miss the chance of loving someone, because you think that they are going to be taken from you. You four agreed on no tournament. You four agreed on living in a secret location until your name is cleared once you give your leadership to someone else. Yes, this life is pretty scary to people who haven't adapted to it." Gemma told them.

"But you four are the strongest and the smartest in this shit. Harry, Louis, you two can get out of handcuffs in 10 seconds. Niall, Zayn, you two can hijack a car or a computer system in 15 seconds. You boys are fucking talented. You four have a low chance of dying in a mission.

If anything, you four have each others backs. There's nothing to worry about when it comes to being taken away or some shit, because you will be each others savior. The only thing that you have to fear is someone getting the person that you fell for before you even got the chance," Lottie added on. "Your father's don't want you to miss your opportunity to be happy. They don't want you to dwell on their fate and their deaths." Jay spoke out.

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