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⋆⋅✞⋅⋆ a few days later  ⋆⋅✞⋅⋆

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⋆⋅✞⋅⋆ a few days later  ⋆⋅✞⋅⋆

Amelia's eyes fluttered open to see Tim looking at her. "What are you looking at?" Lia joked. "Good morning to you too." Amelia yawned and snuggled back into his side. Tim smiled and wrapped his arms around her. Amelia mumbled, "I love you.". Tim moved to press his forehead on hers "I love you too.". He kissed her deeply and tightened his arms around her to pull her closer.

She pulled away and buried her head in his neck. "We have to get up babe." Tim said. Amelia groaned and the two got up to get ready.

───── ⋆⋅✞⋅⋆ ─────

Amelia sat down at the island in the kitchen waiting for breakfast to be ready when Dick walked in. "You stayed over last night?" she asked. "Yeah, bullet grazed me. Alfred insisted that I stayed to heal up." Dick answered as he sat down across from her. "Master Dick from what I remember you did not get grazed you were shot in the arm.' Alfred set down a black coffee in front of Amelia and a herbal tea for Dick. 

Damian and Tim entered just as Alfred finished breakfast and set it on the table. Tim was dressed in a nice suit for work. Bruce transferred Tim to the Wayne Tech. HQ in Gotham because he wanted to keep tabs on Amelia for a few more months. 

When Dick stood to put his plate in the dishwasher he asked "Lia I'm going to see a few friends today, you want to come?". She nodded and stood up to wash her plate in the sink "Sure where are we going.". "That is a surprise." Dick smirked. 

Amelia's eyebrows furrowed and she looked at Tim who only shot her a knowing smile and rushed off to work but not before kissing Lia goodbye.

───── ⋆⋅✞⋅⋆ ─────

Amelia and Dick had been driving for what seemed like hours. "So are you finally going to tell me who we are going to see, Grayson." She asked. "You really the most impatient person I know. Besides we're almost there." 

Amelia then looked outside the window and she immediately knew where they were. "Richard Grayson, are you shitting me." Amelia almost yelled as he parked the car in front of the small yellow house. Dick took off his seat belt before looking at Amelia. "You did NOT tell me that we were going to see Artemis and Wally. Shes going to be so pissed at me that I will die a second time." Amelia looked pale. Dick sighed"Lia shes your best friend she won't be angry at you for dying. You had literally no control over that."

"Dick I know she wont be mad at me for that she will be angry because my sudden Resurrection was over a month ago. Wait actually maybe the dying thing too." Amelia said. "Lia the two of you have been best friends since the day you met. And yes you have been back for over a month but Bruce was making you stay at the manor. I know Artemis she will understand." 

Amelia took a deep breath before unbuckling her seat belt and getting out of the car, Dick following behind her. Amelia could feel her heart beating out of her chest as she raised her hand to knock on the door. Her fist hit the door three times and she waited about thirty seconds and it swung open. 

Artemis Crock stood there in a green t-shirt and blue jeans with white slip-on sneakers. Her blonde hair up in a ponytail. Amelia smiled at her as she stood there with teary eyes. Artemis glanced at Dick before going back to Amelia.

"Lia?" was all that she said and she replied "Yeah, it's me.". Amelia stepped forward and hugged Artemis and held her as tight as she could. 

The two women stayed like that for a bit before Wally West came into the room to see why Artemis was taking so long. His eyes widened as he realized who his girlfriend was crying with. 


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Hi, so I made a few more changes to this story like instead of Amelia being a Detective or CSI she was a crime analyst/hacker in New York and instead of never being involved with being a superhero and all that jazz she was on a team kind of like young justice but my version before retiring and working with the police and even the FBI.

Thank you for reading! Have a good day and Stay Safe!

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