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"Uh ... hey guys."

There was one big collective gasp around the room as if they were in some sort of sit-com. The reactions were varied like the Titans who already knew because of her visit to the tower. Some looked happy to see their hacker friend was alive and okay, like M'gann who flew to hug her immediately.

Others had tears in their eyes upon seeing her and didn't really believe that it was her. An example of this was Conner. Amelia could see him holding back tears and as soon as M'gann broke apart from her she pulled him into a hug. This was the first time anyone had seen him cry but they didn't really blame him.

There were the ones that were skeptical or one. Roy Harper or now known as Will Harper looking at Amelia, well more like glaring. The archer voiced his suspicions that she might be a clone but Nightwing shot him down and told him that they had J'onn take a look into her mind to make sure that she wasn't any type of clone. After that his face softened and he nodded at her. Amelia didn't mind it, the two had never been close anyway.

The rest of the people in the room (The Newbies) were kind of confused and felt very awkward. Cassie, Bart, and Violet knew who Amelia was, I mean Bart was from the future. But they didn't know the woman personally so they thought that it was best for them to stay out of the situation for now. Well that was until Amelia was done with her many reunions (She had made sure to keep most of them quick so they could get back to the mission as soon as possible) and introduced herself to the newest additions to the team. They were very happy to meet her and that their was another hacker on the team to help Oracle.

After a few minutes Nightwing finally called everyone's attention, "Alright. Enough with the introductions, we have a mission to get to.". It was then that everyone got back into 'work mode'.

Amelia went to stand beside Oracle when Dick Spoke up again. "Thanks to Cipher we have four possible location for where Blue Lantern could be. We know for a fact that she is at one of these locations but we no way to be sure which one. Titans you will be heading to Star City." A picture of an abandoned looking warehouse went up on the hologram screen. 

"Alpha will be Red hood, Blue Beetle, Red Arrow, Tigress, and me. We're going to Metropolis."Dick continued, while Wally didn't look to pleased that Artemis wouldn't be with him. "Beta is Wonder Girl, Impulse, Miss Martian, Aqualad, and Bumble Bee. You're assignment is Santa Prisca." 

Cipher interrupted Nightwing while typing on her tablet, "There are going to be more patrols of Bane's men so be extra cautious." Nightwing gave her a look but she only shrugged before going back to her screen. 

"And Gamma is Superboy, Red Robin, Violet, Kid Flash and the Lanterns. Gamma will be going to Gotham City. All of you remember that this mission is strictly based on finding Blue Lantern. So you search the building, if she's there get her out and if she's not leave. We want as little conflict as possible and try not to draw too much attention. Also Cipher and Oracle are both here if any of you need any guidance."

Everyone then made their way to the hanger, but Amelia called for Tim to stay back for a moment. "Is everything okay." Tim asked. "Yeah. Just don't die please." Amelia then kissed his cheek. 

"I promise. I love you."

"I love you too."


Did I just spend my whole day reading a 355,000 word young justice fic? Yes. Do I regret it? Nope.

The ONLY reason Dick put Jason on Alpha with him is so he could make sure that he doesn't do anything fucking stupid. 

Also I hope I wrote this chapter well. I was kind of scared to write it so if you have any criticism it would  be great and super helpful.

Thank you and have an amazing day!

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