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This is not a chapter and with everything going on I don't know when I will publish another.

For the past week I have been trying to come up the words to address and talk about the death of George Floyd and the protests + riots happening worldwide.

George Floyd's death is absolutely fucking disgusting and the pig that murdered him and the ones that held him down deserve life in prison. Nobody deserves to have a knee pushing down and cutting their airway for almost nine minutes.

What has been happening at these protests is awful. The police have taken what started out as 100% peaceful protests and made them violent by tear gassing and macing them. The amount of videos that I have seen of cops attacking innocent protesters is horrible. They are literally attacking trying to get home that are not even involved in the protests. People are literally being shot in the head with rubber bullets the size of a hand. Also the sheer amount of people I have seen prioritizing stores and buildings over innocent black lives is disgusting. 

And the way our president has responded to this is fucking revolting. He has called in the national guard on people who just want the right to live. People who have been oppressed for hundreds of years. And while they went out to protest for their right to be a black person in america he HID in a bunker. and after that he ordered the secret service to tear gas a group of protesters outside the white house for a fucking photo op outside a church that he doesn't even attend holding an upside down bible. He has also said that if the governors do not call in the military then he will. He is trying to start martial law.

To Protesters, Cover your face, bring food, water and medical supplies in case you or somebody else gets hurt. Wear goggles and do not wear makeup or any oil-based products because chemicals/tear gas will cling to that. Stay safe and thank you for going out there and risking your lives.

To my fellow Latinx and Hispanics, right now you might think because you are not black then you will not be affected and that staying silent or siding with the oppressors is okay. It's not. we need to stand with our black brothers and sisters in this time of need and revolution. We need to speak out against the systematic racism that black people face everyday like they spoke out about the migrants being held in detention centers on the border. 

Go protest, donate and sign petitions.

I will be leaving links in the comments.


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