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After Amelia and Damian got back from the Tower she immediately went to her old room

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After Amelia and Damian got back from the Tower she immediately went to her old room. She hadn't bothered even going into the room since she was staying in Tim's. When she walked in she was hit with a rush of nostalgia. All of the memories came back to her all at once. The good, the bad and, the ugly.

Like the first of her and Tim's late night 'study' sessions

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It was around 10:00 on a school night and Tim and Amelia were sat on her bed studying for their calculus test. Amelia groaned and closed her books "I fucking hate this shit. We have been studying for hours can we take a break.". Tim sighed "Lia this test is worth 60 percent of our grade we have to get at least a 95 to keep our GPA up.". "Tim please. At least thirty minutes and then we can start studying again. All this math is rotting my brain.". Tim looked at her then closed his books and put them on the desk, "Fine, what do you want to do." . "Can we watch Avengers?" "Lia that's way longer than thirty minutes." Tim gave her a look. "I know but I really want to watch a movie and you owe me for all those coffees I've bought you over the week." Tim nodded and Amelia ran down to the kitchen to get snacks.

By the time she got back upstairs Tim had already set up the movie. They were half way through the movie when Amelia looked at Tim. She took her head off his shoulder. "Are you okay. Is everything alright." Tim said. She only nodded at him. Amelia sighed and looked down "Tim I um- I need to tell you something."

Tim was confused Amelia was never shy or quiet like this. Amelia was a confident and very outspoken girl so he was sort of concerned.

Tim turned down the TV and turned his body to her "Lia you know that you can tell me anything and I will always be right by you.". Amelia nodded "Tim I like you, as in more than friend type of like. And I know that this will probably ruin our friendship but I can't just ignore the feelings I-" she was cut of by Tim pressing his lips to hers. Amelia was surprised at first but she kissed back.

After a few seconds Tim pulled away. They were both as red as a tomato. "I like you too Lia." Tim smiled at her. "You know I think I got that from the kiss." She laughed. "Shut up." Tim kissed her again.

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Amelia picked up a picture of her and Jason and smiled.

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Amelia and Jason were in the library of the manor. Amelia had waked into the bat cave and recognized him from the picture in the hallways. Amelia didn't care much until Bruce called her over and dropped the bomb on them that they were half-siblings. "So your my long-lost half-brother huh." She said almost as if she was skeptical of the situation. "I guess so." Jason said as he ate one of Alfred's cookies. They sat in silence for a few moments before Jason spoke up again. "Do you remember our Mother at all?" Amelia almost winced at the question before nodding. "Of course I do. The bitch killed my father." Jason's eyes widened before nodding as if telling her to go on. "I was fourteen and my dad and I just got back from a movie and we heard knocking at the door. My dad left the kitchen and told me to watch the food. I heard a woman at the door and there was Sheila begging my father for money. He refused and she got angry pulled out a gun and shot him. And I stood in the doorway and watched as she ran away." Amelia wiped a tear.

"She was the reason I died." he said. "Holy fuck." she whispered. "I found her after looking for her for weeks and afterwards she sold me out to the Joker and he killed me." "Well fuck. Looks like we both have severe mommy issues." Jason nodded and looked at the chess board "Kid, do you know how to play chess." "Yeah"

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Amelia set the picture down before looking at her bed to see that somehow Alfred the cat had snuck into the room. She smiled and layed down and fell asleep.

A few hours later Jason found her cuddled up with the cat and smiled before putting a blanket over them and leaving.




Jason is honestly a big softie for Lia and I love their relationship so much. 

Amelia when Tim kissed her

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Amelia when Tim kissed her.

Thank you for reading and have an amazing day!

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