。⋆୨୧˚O N E˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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The empty sound of scribbling echoed around the room as ink rolled out of the pen within your hand. Letters morphed into words and words into sentences. At a loss for words, the pen stops its writing and the ink begins to clot into the paper, staining it black. I looked over at my reference and noticed my phone screen had flickered black, the battery inside it dying along with the once bright screen. 

Sighing, I threw down my pen and rested my head in my arms, already tired of the constant note-taking in which I had gotten yourself into. Such an idiotic idea, I thought, even before I had offered my hand at the task that had previously stolen all of my attention- Not that there's much of that, anyway.

Earlier in the day, my teacher had pulled me aside before I had managed to flee the classroom for dismissal. She quired my assistance, not having the correct set of notes for one of the newer students in the class. Of course, I reluctantly agreed and got myself stuck in a mass sea of papers and ink, only having gotten through roughly half of the semester's notes for the poor transfer.

I pulled out my own notebook, skimming to the required page all the while my head rested in my unused arm. Sitting up, I slid out of my chair in which I previously sat, skimming around the corners and hallway of my house, down the stairs and into the kitchen. I smiled as I noticed an already cooked meal sitting atop the stove. Running up to it, I uncovered the meal to find [Favorite Food] plated neatly whilst [Favorite Snack] sat idly beside it. Shaking my head, I internally noted to thank my mother before I trotted back up the stairs.

Watching the sun's color stain the tree's leaves as it set over the buildings, I ate my meal whilst, ironically, [Favorite Band] began to play in the background through the speakers connected to the blank screen of my television. I blanked out, my mind wandering as I poked at the few bites of food that were now scattered across the plate.

Sighing, I set the remaining food down and began back on the work ahead of me, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I lifted the pen back up and began writing from my own 


Working through the night, I managed to finish the entire semester's set of notes by early morning. Energy drink cans littered the carpet around my swivel chair as I pushed back on it and leaning back, the loud, cracking echo of my back ringing in my ears. I let out a pathetic yawn, flopping onto my bed as the last of the high buzzed away and left me with exhaustion that made my mind wonder if it was possible to sleep for years without awakening.

Unfortunately, my mind couldn't seem to rest with the slight tinge of energy that surged through my blood. My heart still thumped in my ears, too. I sat up whilst grumbling curses under my breath, my annoyance growing by the second. Sliding my laptop out of its bag beside my bed, I clicked the 'on' button and was immediately blinded by the light of a thousand suns. I flinched, my eyes squeezing shut in a pathetic attempt to blink away the sunspots that flashed even under my eyelids.

When my eyes had finally adjusted to the burst of bright light, my fingers immediately tapped away at the keys, the empty clicking sound echoing across the silent room. I scrolled through the recent news and BlueTube, unsure of what I should do to keep my mind off the work I had spent so much time finishing for a student I hadn't even known.

His name, according to your teacher, was Natsu Dragneel. The destructive male had just transferred from who the hell knows where, alongside a blonde who went by the name of (apparently) Lucy. He had an unnamed fire quirk and had quickly announced himself as one of the most troublemaking first years after he set a few trees on fire after a girl tried asking his name. Apparently, he had taken such as a challenge and tried fighting her, his sharp teeth snapping at her as he spewed fire in her direction. 

Luckily for her, she had a flying quirk. Unfortunately for the trees, she had a flying quirk. I think we both know where this is going.

She flew up in the air in an attempt to dodge the fiery attacks brought upon by the male, but to no avail. He merely launched himself up and tried again once more, yelling nonsense about dragons and claws. His attack missed and hit a tree, and gradually, the tree fire spread quicker and quicker due to the fresh spring leaves that grew on them.

His friend, on the other hand, was quite nice. In fact, she had introduced herself to me once before, her sweet brown eyes seemingly helpless and quite stressed. Of course, who wouldn't be with the pyro-maniac around? Even his teachers seemed on edge around him. Lucy was actually incredibly academically capable, and even tried helping the hot-head with his work and often to the point in which she would to it for him. Of course, such efforts were in vain, as he cared little to none about his lack of braincells. 

Sighing, I slammed my laptop shut and threw it aside, caring none for the slight possibility I could of broken it. I threw my head back into the softness of my pillows, forcing my eyes shut. My mind began to wonder, noting how close we were to the end of the year.

Daydreams of my second year at Aldera Junior High filed into my mind, making me ever the more exhausted. Hopes and dreams and ideas and ideologies of attending UA, how I would dare try, and plans of action on how a Quirkless such as myself could even think about attending the prestigious school without being slaughtered first day.

Such thoughts were the ones I drifted off to, along with the quiet whistling of the wind at my window. The soft sounds were quickly overpowered by the loud, maddening beeping of my alarm clock as 6:00 reared in, the sun beginning to chime over and into the uncovered window.

I groaned in exasperation, slamming my hand on the alarm and rolling out of bed and reluctantly getting ready for the day, one of surprisingly few that were to come.


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Word Count: 1099
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