。⋆୨୧˚T H R E E˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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"Y/N! Y-You know you didn't have to walk home..." Midoriya sputters as the two of you walk towards your shared middle school, bags swung over your shoulders. "I'm sure my mother would h-have paid for a cab or something..."

"Its okay! Really. A 7 mile walk is..." Your legs felt wobbly as you continued walking, pain jolting up your sore limbs. They felt like cooked noodle; completely unstable. "Okay, its a lot. I can manage every once and a while."

Midoriya's vibrant green eyes narrowed in suspicion. "No way! E-Even now, you're kinda wobbly. You should t-take care of yourself more."

"Aww, look who's looking out for me." You nudged his side, nearly missing the heavy red that rose in his freckled cheeks. "I'll be okay! if anything, consider it part of my training to be a hero." He shrugged stiffly, his eyes still wide from the sudden retort.

"J-Just... Training isn't hurting yourself. Remember that for me, okay? You're gonna w-worry me." He sputtered, running a hand through his viridian green locks.

"But I already do that?"


You could barely keep your eyes open during homeroom. In fact, you didn't keep your eyes open in homeroom. You ended up passing out half-way through notes, waking up only when the girl beside you nudged your shoulder as the bell rang.

Waiting outside your classroom, Midoriya made his way towards your slouched figure, his lunch wrapped neatly in his hands. "Hey Y/N!" He grinned, his eyes doe-like.

You made a noise similar to a groan as the Quirkless boy sat beside you. "Are you okay?" He poked your shoulder softly to ensure he didn't hurt you in case you were sick.

Humming, you Nuzzled your head into your own shoulder. "I'm absolutely wasted. I feel drunk, I'm tired, and I can barely move without feeling like I'm gonna die. And on top of all that, I'm hungry as fuck."

He stared at you unblinkingly for a second, a soft blush spreading across his cheeks. "Y-You can have m-my lunch, if you w-want..." He rubbed the back of his head, holding the open bento out to you.

It was nicely decorated, rolls of sushi and rice piled in the top right corner whilst the rest of the platter was taken up my katsudon. "I forgot how much you liked katsudon, Midoriya." You laughed, pushing his offer away with a finger.

"A-ah?! Do you n-not like katsudon? I-I can go g-get some food from the c-cafeteria if you're really hungry!" He sputtered aloud, a determined look glazing over his soft viridian eyes.

You pushed him back down as he started to get up, a small laugh escaping your lips. "No, Midoriya. I like katsudon just fine! I mean that I can't take your lunch."

He was quiet for a second before the clinking of metal chopsticks echoed across the empty hallway walls.

Something poked your cheek, the feeling cold. You turned your head only to have half of a sushi roll shoved into your mouth. "If you won't eat, I-I'll have to force you..."

Despite not wanting to trouble the poor boy, you didn't mind the prospect of him feeding you. Meant less work and free food.

"Thank you, Midoriya." You said, ensuring he alone got to eat the katsudon. "Like, Seriously. I owe you one, Freckles." You put emphasis on the nickname, a smirk playing on your lips as he neatly choked on his food.

Clearing his throat, he tried his best to hide the dark shades of red that coated his cheeks. "I-its no problem... I mean... I would a-always take care of you if you needed it..." He paused, his eyes widening at his own words. "W-wait! I didn't mean it like that! I meant that I would always be here t-to protect you-" he hit his head against the wall behind the two of you. "That's not any better... I meant that-"

A laugh escaped you, a few tears pricking at your eyes. "Its okay, Midoriya. I got the jist of it." You punched his shoulder, a soft pout-y expression overlaying his facial features.

"Aww, don't be like that..." You nudged his side, poking at what you knew were his weak spots.

Before you knew it, the hallway echoed with Midoriya's cheery laugh, begging you to stop poking him.

"C-come o-on! Y/N! I'll d-do whatever y-you want! Just stop!" Giggles slurred his speech every other word, a dark red heat rising in his cheeks.

Finally accepting his pleas, you allowed him to catch his breath, him shifting back to sit beside you. "Y-you're a jerk."

Before you could even lift your hand to poke him again, he had already dipped, his sneakers squeaking as he ran down the hallways.

Laughing, you darted after him. You didn't even mind you had left your belongings behind. All you cared about now was the wind as it whipped at your face and not tripping as you bounded down the stairs, skipping steps on your way down.

You loved this.


The following day, you and Midoriya were sitting side by side once again, eating your lunch as a comfortable silence fell upon the two of you, the empty hallway echoing no noise besides the breaking of chopsticks as the two of you dug into your respective meals.

All was quiet, your appetite being eaten away by a dread that bubbled in your stomach. 'Its the end of the year already...' You thought. 'I doubt I'll be able to leave the house cause of studying. I'm gonna miss this dork.' You hadn't an idea on why you had decided to think about this now, but it was obvious that it was getting to you. A look of disgust made its way onto your features, it being quickly picked up by Midoriya.

"Something wrong, Y/N?" He inquires, letting his chopsticks hit the corner of his bento softly as he released them.

"Y...yeah..." You muttered, setting your bento aside as you pulled your knees to your chest. "Just... I don't think I'll be able to hang out all summer. My parents are kinda..."

Midoriya's eyes widened in shock. 'She's upset about not being able to see me?' He shook his head, his dark green curls bouncing with his movements. "Don't worry about it, Y/N! We have the next school year!" He reminds you, unintentionally resting his hand on yours for whatever reason.

The heat in your cheeks rose as your eyes made contact with the offence, the boy himself looking surprised.

Jolting away, a hand flew to cover his mouth as a string of apologies flowed like a river past his lips. His face was a dark maroon now, his eyes resembling a deer in headlights.

"I-im s-so so so s-so sorry!" He sputtered, scooting away from you ever so slightly.

Despite the butterflies that tickled the inside of your stomach, you tried your best to brush it off.

"Don't worry about it, Freckles."

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Yeet. Short chapter again. Sorry about that. I've beens stressed out lately. ;D

Word Count: 1214
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