。⋆୨୧˚E I G H T ˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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No one spoke as the two of you stared at each other; one with pathetic, empathetic eyes and the others full of fury.

"Y-Y/N...!" He managed to whimper, his eyes wide. Both his friends noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere, seeing as you would have been able cut the tension with a knife.

You didn't respond. Actually, you didn't really hear him at all. Your heart drummed beats in your ears, rendering you unable to hear his words. Not like it mattered, anyway. Even if you had heard, you wouldn't have listened. All reason, in your eyes, was out the window.

How? How had he managed to get in? Into the hero course, no less?

An uncomfortable silence rang in your ears. Despite being able to see Mei's lips moving as she spoke, no words left her mouth. Your eyes narrowed at the boy in front of you, a snarl trying to hide the tears that threatened to spill from your E/C eyes. Your hand pushed the boy to the side, him ramming into the arm of his friend.

Only now could you hear the frightened shouts of your friends behind you as you took off down the empty hallways of U.A, their own footsteps echoing behind. Your hand gripped the corner of a wall as you swung your body around it, your feet missing steps as you jumped down the flights of stairs.

Fresh tears tore down your cheeks like scars- They felt like scars. Inflicted by the boy you thought you had known. Betrayal stung beneath the skin they touched, tearing the muscle beneath it and inflicting an undying pain.

Engulfed by your thoughts, you didn't realize you had made it to the second floor. Your back was pressed against a corner, your hand hovering over your mouth to stop both your shaky breaths and your sobs.

"Y/N!" Mei called once again, her sole footsteps making their way down the stairs slowly. She too, was out of breath from the run. "Come on! Come back here so we can talk this out!" Mei said, turning back and running down the next set of stairs. When her footsteps no longer broke the silence of the empty hallway, you wiped your tears away and allowed yourself to relax against the wall.

Taking deep breaths, you allowed the silence to invade your mind. Though, the quiet lasted no longer than it had arrived, as the door beside you slid open.

"What the fuck?"

Your eyes met those of the person you wished to see the least as of now. (Besides maybe Midoriya.) "Hello." You said quietly.

He snickered. "Since when did you go to this school?"

"Since I got accepted during the written exams." You spat. "I don't know if you've noticed, Bakugo, but I'm not exactly in the mood for your bullshit!" Your nails dug into the skin on your thighs, nearly tearing your leggings. "So go away."

His smirk disappeared, though he seemed to refuse your order. Instead, he leaned against the window across from you. "So what's got your panties in a twist?" He asked gruffly, no sense of mockery hidden behind his tone. His gentility made you freeze.

"Why do you wanna know?" You sighed as he didn't respond. Instead, he just glared down at you with those familiar, taunting red eyes. "Midoriya ditched me over the Summer and acted as if I had just disappeared off the face of the Earth." You muttered into your arms. "Turns out, he just didn't need me to achieve his dreams with him anymore."

Bakugo seemed perplexed; As if he seemed to be connecting dots you knew nothing about. "So you didn't know he had a Quirk?" 

Your eyes widened in surprise. He had a Quirk? Since when? How? "H-He has a Quirk?" Bakugo's own eyes widened this time.

"You didn't know?"

You shook your head, speechless. Not like you had anything to say, anyway.

Bakugo huffed in indignation. "And I thought, of all people, that fucking nerd would have told you." He said, almost quietly. "So, what the hell are you doing here?"

You sighed, looking up at him with tired eyes. He growled. "You look pathetic, so don't look at me like that."

Ignoring him, you started speaking. "I liked him." He didn't seem surprised. "I've been working on your guys' hero costume upgrades." You explained, taking a shaky breath. "He came in hoping to get his fixed up."

As if you hadn't said anything, Bakugo began walking towards the stairs. You didn't bother stopping him, knowing well that your words would have no effect on him.

Though, before he took the first step up, he turned back to you. "Just so you know, dipshit..."

"He likes you, too."


It was late evening by the time Mei had gotten ahold of Y/N. Of course, it took hours of spam calling for her to have finally picked up. "Y/N?" She asked all too quietly. "What happened! You completely disappeared."

Y/N, now curled in the confort of her blankets, responded.

"Do you know who he was?" Asked Y/N. "Midoriya, I mean." When Mei didn't answer, Y/N continued as she brushed H/C hair from her face and let tears prick at her eyes. Y/N began to explain, Mei absolutely silent on the other end.

"We were friends. Really, really good friends. Both Quirkless wannabes. Both bullied for said Quirklessness. I guess that's why I liked him so much; he was just like me..." Y/N sniffled, tangling her fingers in her H/L H/C hair.

"He's the one who ditched you?" Mei asked quietly.

"Its more than just that..." Y/N muttered, though she knew Mei had heard her. "He was always chasing after Bakugo and All Might... Wanting to be exactly like them; looking up to them and ignoring everyone around him. He disregarded my feelings when I tried telling him that, maybe, I didn't wanna be a hero." Y/N said with a sob. "But I stuck by him. I don't know why. And yet again, my heart was broken yet again."

"How so?"

Y/N struggled to speak. "He... Doesn't know how to hold his tongue in an argument. He was upset when I started ignoring him, too."

Mei contemplated on pushing the subject. "What do you mean?"

"God,,, Mei!" Y/N allowed the tears to slip down her cheeks, sobbing. "He told me he hated me! He told me he had never even wanted to be my friend in the first place. That I was just a distraction to him. I can't tell you how much I almost wanted to punch him in the face." She laugh-cried, her voice shaking. "I almost told him the truth."



Bakugo Katsuki had his hands shoved deep into his pockets as he slouched his way home. "Hey, Bakugo!" An all too cheery voice called from behind him.

Both Mei Hatsume and Hitoshi Shinsou ran up beside him. Mei's eyes were narrowed determinedly whilst Shinsou was more focused on the students that jostled his shoulder as they passed. "I need your help." Mei said, her breath heavy. "You're close to Y/N, right?"

Bakugo didn't respond. Rather, he raised an eyebrow crookedly and narrowed his ruby eyes.

"Help us fix this."

Mei stopped him from walking, standing before him with now pleading eyes. "Y/N's my friend and I hate seeing her so torn."

"And what's in it for me?" Katsuki spat, leaning over Mei and attempted to do the same to Shinsou. When the violet-haired male pushed back, Katsuki growled.

"The satisfaction of helping two best friends reconcile, thats what!" Shinsou gripped the bottom of his collar, dragging him closer to meet his eyes. "And if you had any ounce of human decency, you would help us!"

Mei had already turned around, calling to Shinsou from over her shoulder. "Come on. We'll do this ourselves."

Shinsou released the hedgehog, a nose close to a hiss escaping his throat as he turned and began to stride away.

"I never said I wouldn't help."



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Word Count: 1351
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