。⋆୨୧˚N I N E˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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"So, what's the plan?" Mei asked, pulling Bakugo down into the booth beside Meoma Kingyo, a fish girl from Class 1-H.

"I don't fucking know. You literally told me about this yesterday." Said Katsuki.

Shinsou shrugged. "We assumed you had thought more about it."

Bakugo laughed. "If I'm being honest, I was just gonna drag them to the park and yell at the little shits until they kissed and made up or some shit." The rowdy blonde explained.

Meoma frowned. "Something a little less brutial on their eardrums?" She suggested, poking at the large fins on either side of her face. "Maybe we can like, set them up? Like, telling both of them to meet somewhere super specific and force them to talk it out?" Meoma suggested.

Mei sighed. "That seems to be our only option so far. Any other ideas?"

Shinsou raised his hand tiredly, hiding half of his face in his arms. "I could get them to make out or something."

Bakugo snarled, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, and thats sure to work. If anything, it'll make Y/N hate your guts."

Shinsou shrugged. "If she's happy."

Mei tapped her nails on the table with a quizzing look on her face. Meoma pouted, trying her best to think of something better than her previous plan. Shinsou just closed his lavender eyes, sighing as he began to doze off.

"I think that fish's idea is the only thing we've got." Bakugo spoke up after a second, taking a bite of his sushi. "And don't you dare think I'm gonna be setting this shit up."

Mei hummed, pressing her hands to her cheeks. "But none of us really know Midoriya, right?" Meoma shrugged and Shinsou stayed silent. Despite looking asleep, Mei knew he had heard her.

"Bakugo," said Meoma. "This is up to you." She said kindly, her gills fluttering.

Bakugo huffed, watching a tired looking Y/N make her way over to the secluded table. "Jeez, fine." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. "But I'm not doing this shit for you."

He stood up, hands slamming onto the table as he grabbed his near empty food tray and stalked back towards a table filled with Class 1A students.

"Why was Bakugo here?" Y/N asked, plopping into the spot said boy had just been in. She raised an eyebrow at Mei, who just rubbed her hands together.

"Uhh," she started, though Shinsou cut her off.

"He just came by to mock us, I guess." The equally tired boy said. "He didn't say much, if thats what you're asking."

Y/N shrugged, not having the energy to really deal with either of them. She didn't have much on her tray besides her usual Katsudon and chopsticks. Judt a measley glass of water and a small salad.

"You doing okay, Y/N?" Mei asked for maybe the 20th time this afternoon.

"Just peachy."


"Mei." Y/N ran up beside the pink haired girl as she traveled around the titanous school that U.A was. Wandering aimlessly, Mei turned to her.

"What's up, N/N?" Mei asked, rubbing her hands together. "Are you gonna be coming with me to see Power loader today? I have some blueprints I'd like you to see." She said childishly, shining a lopsided grin and hope in her yellow-hued eyes.

Y/N nodded. "If you want me to. Uhm, I have a question to ask you." Said Y/N quickly, before Mei could get too excited about her acceptance to join her.

Mei nodded, slowing her pace to match Y/N's echoing footsteps. "Bakugo asked me to meet him in the park this evening; do you know what its about?" Mei seemed to think for a minute before remembering all about Meoma's plan.

Shaking her head vigorously, Mei stole Y/N's hand and dragged her along the hall. Shoes squeaking on the polished floor, Mei replied. "I don't! But let's take your mind off it with some tinkering!" She exclaimed excidedly. "I'm sure one of my new babies can help you. Let's blow some shit up!"


"Are you sure this is gonna work?" Midoriya asked Mei Hatsume nervously. The peppy girl nodded, leading the stuttering mess into an near empty classroom.

Four students sat at desks, one of which had his feet kicked up on the desk while the other sat with her legs crossed atop it.

"Hi Deku!" The fish girl, Meoma said. She had long, ginger hair chopped at an angle with large fins on either side of her face. A scaly tail hung over the desk she sat on. "I've heard so much about you." She said cheerfully.

Hiroshi Shinsou, a boy with a crooked nose lavender hair with eyes to match, spoke up. Though he was muffled because of his arms that curled to hide his face. "None of it was very good, mind you." He said harshly, pushing himself up with his elbows. "Don't get your hopes up with her."

Midoriya frowned, gripping the hem of his shirt. "I know its my fault. I'm here with you so I can make it right." Said Midoriya, meeting the eyes of everyone in the room.

"Good." Bakugo said coldly. "So prove it."

Jeez this book is already close to done? I'm sure theres only one more chapter?!? Time flew so quick!

Good Luck next chapter my darlings.

With Love,

Word Count: 1024

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