。⋆୨୧˚F I V E˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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Spring had faded into Summer, the weather growing warmer with every day that passed. You and Midoriya had seemed to avoid each other the last weeks of school. Though, occasionally, you would feel the boys eyes on you as you walked down the hall.

Everyone in both your class and his noticed the tension the two of you held when in the same room. Some of both yours and his classmates were curious about your 'falling out'. And every time they asked, you answered with absolute silence. It wasn't their business to be meddling in, and the last thing on your agenda was explaining something you didn't even wanna think about.

You barely paid attention in class, now. You barely spoke, and when you did, it was to your parents or the teachers. As the last day of school came to a close, you couldn't help but steal a glance at Midoriya as he exited the school. Your eyes connected, his own widening as you continued your venture to where your father usually parked his car.

A hand grabbed your arm, tugging you back into the schools gates. "Y-Y/N!" A familiar voice sputtered out nervously. You knew exactly who it was before you had caught sight of them.

"Midoriya." You replied coolly, not wanting to look the male in the eye again. You shrugged him off, trying to turn the corner once again.

"Y/N, listen to me for a s-second, please!"

You stopped, daring to face him. Once again, he had tears slipping down his cheeks, more blobs of crystalline tears replacing them almost immediately. "I-I'm sorry." He muttered simply.

"I'm sorry for a-avoiding you, I'm sorry f-for not apologizing sooner, I'm s-sorry for not being able to man up and just apologize for a-all those cruel things I said to you..." He stopped, his voice fading to nothing. His shoulders shook as sobs wracked his body, a hand once again covering his mouth to hide his quivering breaths.

"It's okay..." You let out a small laugh, tears of your own falling down your cheeks. "I was being just as idiotic... I... I shouldn't have made it such a big deal. I overreacted, and I'm sorry for that." A soft smile made it's way onto your lips, your arms spreading wide.

"Forgive me?"

He didn't seem to hear as he jumped into the comforting hug you offered. Nearly squeezing the ever-living life out of you. "O-Of course!"


Weeks had gone by with little to no word from Izuku. The texts you sent him were read, though no response from him was given.

The exams were just around the corner now, and still absolutely nothing was received from him. Almost as if he had left you on read before dropping off the face of the earth.

Your parents, though to no avail, tried their best to coax you out of your room for even a second. Instead, they settled with leaving your meals just beyond your door and notifying you when they were there so you would eat.

You despised feeling so helpless and alone. It was Midoriya who kept you company rather than the dark. That's why those few weeks without him made such an impact. And here you were again, faced with the same dilemma.

When your phone buzzed for the first time in weeks, your hands shaking as you picked it up. Your heart raced, the noise pounding in your ears like the beat of a drum. A text message. From Midoriya.

Your heart shattered at the few words that he had sent mere moments ago, your eyes flooding with tears, dropping the device to the ground with a whimper.

Freckles 8:04 PM
I'm too busy for you. Sorry, Y/N.


You had given up after that. You no longer texted him. Instead, your time had gone to studying. Today was now the day of the written exams. You refused to take the physical. You knew you wouldn't survive it.

The last time you had spoken was, when you had finally gotten ahold of him, a few days ago. Instead of answering his phone kindly and with a smile as he usually did, he sounded cold and harsh. "What?" He had said.

The conversation, with what you remembered, went completely downhill from there. By the end, the two of you were screaming at each other, more you than Midoriya. And ending the call on a sour note, you had slumped to the floor in a heap of tears and anger.

After you showered, Your mind was blank as you slid on shorts and a tank top. You tied a hoodie around your waist tightly, sucking your stomach in as you did so. De-tangling your hair free of knots, you tied it back with a hair tie and slipped on your shoes.

Your parents watched your slow movements with quiet, concerned eyes. They said nothing as you stepped outside, waiting on the porch for your father to follow. He did mere seconds later, joining you on the way to the car.

"Today's the big day." He said cheerfully.

You nodded, refusing to reply.

He let out a sigh as the two of you buckled your seat belts, the car starting with a loud roar of the engine. "Well, Let's get going!"


And just like that, it was over. Both the exam, and the day. You found absolutely no sign of the male that had grown to ignore you, and even now, standing at the front of the school the two of you swore to conquer together.

Your heart ached just thinking of those plans. The plans to become heroes together...

You put faith in him. In the two of you. The two of you making it through. Beating the odds. You put faith in it.

What a waste.

Short chapter.
I wanted to fit a bunch of the plot into one chapter, but I feel like it's... rushed. I don't know.

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Word Count: 875
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