。⋆୨୧˚F O U R˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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The beginning of the school year drifted away like a paper boat in a river. Gone in a flash, tumbling under the rushing water, kicking up pebbles and disrupting the quiet life below the tumbling waves.

You began seeing Midoriya less and less, his presence seeming to disappear. You stopped seeing him after class, even when you left early to meet him in front of his classroom. It seemed he was trying to avoid you at all costs.

Finally, one gloomy afternoon, you had managed to catch him still sitting in his seat. Whilst your heart skipped a beat, you engulfed the boy in a hug. Not expecting the sudden affection, the boy jumped from his seat. Upon realizing who it was, his emerald eyes widened to the size of dinner plates.

"Y-Y/N?" He asked quietly, a guilty feeling enveloping the boy.

Your glare was hard, though you felt tears prick at the corners of your eyes as you spoke. "Where the hell have you been...?!" Your voice shook at the last few words, not realizing how much you missed the lad before now. "I... I haven't seen you for..." You ran a hand through your H/L H/C colored hair, a few strands flying over your eyes.

He didn't answer. A hand covering his mouth didn't allow him to. His shoulders shook as he cupped his face, trying his best not to cry. "I... I'm s-sorry-"

The classroom door slammed open, A familiar face stepping into the classroom. You greeted the male with a glare of his own. "Bakugo." You nodded your head towards the door he had just stormed through. "We're in the middle of something."

"Well if you're not gonna beat the shitty nerd up, then I will." A malicious grin spread across his face. "Seriously?" He now spoke solely to his childhood friend. "Shitty Deku. You really thought you could get into U.A without a quirk?"

Midoriya had barely just recovered from the shock of being caught by you. His hand was still placed over his mouth, though it dropped pathetically to his side as Bakugo spoke.

"W-Well, K-Kaachan..." He began, his speach quivering as he attempted to utter words. "It's not impossible..."

Bakugo stormed forward, grabbing the freckled boy by his collar. "Like hell! There's no way a Quirkless twit like you'll ever be able to best me!" His icy red eyes met your own, then narrowing even more. "That goes for you too, Y/N."

Your hand slammed into Bakugo's elbow, his grip on Midoriya loosening. The boy dropped to the floor, his eyes watching wide as he scooted back and slammed into the wall. You stepped back yourself, watching the burning hatred in Bakugo's eyes ignite into something less than that. 

It surely wasn't respect, but almost as if he was content with what you had done. "Fuck off, Bakugo." You spat, a hand hovering over Midoriya.

Before he could respond, one of his goons picked up a fallen notebook. Atop it was the number 13, written in a bold sharpie. You didn't get to finish reading the cover before it was snatched into the grubby hands of Bakugo himself.

"You need a hero analysis book?" One of the boys behind the blonde laughed, holding his large stomach. "That's pathetic."

Bakugo seemed to think so, too. He held the book above his head as Midoriya pleaded for it back. "You'll never be a hero if you need a book to teach you how to save people." His palms crackled, explosions igniting the delicate pages ablaze.

Midoriya grabbed your wrist before you could storm forward. Despite the horrified look that he wore, he didn't want you to even attempt to retrieve his notebook.

Bakugo tossed it away, it clattering out an open window and falling to the ground with a heavy splash. "I hate him..." You muttered, watching as the boy and his lackeys started to the door. 

"You know, if you want a Quirk that badly, take a swan dive off the roof of the building and pray you'll be born with one in your next life."

You pulled your wrist away from Midoriya's slipping grip, darting towards the cocky boy. "You bastard!" Your fist slammed into his cheek, him sliding into the hallway in a heap. "You bastard! Take it back!" Your fingers clenched onto strands of hair, threatening to pull them from your skull.

The boy looked up with shocked ruby eyes that quickly ignited in hatred. He said nothing as he stood up, though readied to return your punch. "What would you do if one of us actually did it, huh?!"

He wasn't expecting your question, him stopping dead in his tracks. Once again, he didn't respond.

"I thought so." You snapped at him, grabbing your bag that had been waiting patiently just outside the classroom door. "I thought so..." Your voice faded to nothing as you walked down the hall, you leaving both Bakugo and his goons behind, but Midoriya, too.


The following day, it felt like the entire school was talking about Bakugo's little encounter with the sludge villain. You, not wanting to hear another minute of it, merely tried your best to block out all other sounds besides the pounding of your own heart, trapping yourself within your thoughts.

That place wasn't much better, but it was something.

Today was much different from the days prior. Today, it was Midoriya who was hunting you down, trying his best to rush to your classes before neither his or yours started. Of course, he never got that chance.

After he began his secret training, his time and energy had been sucked into doing what his mentor asked of him. Especially with the exams a mere 10 months away. Despite that, he found it more important to talk to you.

You refused to meet his eyes as he finally found you, catching you as you sat outside your next class with your bento in your hands. It made his heart ache, watching you sitting alone. Where the two of you usually sat. Now, you made no advancement to even attempt to look for him. Not today. Not again.

If he wanted to avoid you, then you would let him. There was no point chasing after someone who doesn't want to be chased after. Especially when they go out of their way to avoid you.

Not even Midoriya himself knew why he pulled a disappearing act on you. Even if you asked, he would reply with nothing short of... well, nothing.

He wanted with all his might to run up to you and engulf you in a hug, just like you had done the day before. Instead, he sighed and let his body drop to the floor against the wall. And for once, he didn't know what to do. It felt as if his brain stopped thinking in general...

As the bell rang. His eyes met yours. Your heartrate picked up, watching as the boy stood up and took a few steps towards you. Students rushed into the halls all around him, pushing and shoving him away from you and your classroom.

Without another word, you silently walked into the classroom, the shattered look on his face as he did so replaying in your mind.

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Word Count: 1225
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