。⋆୨୧˚S E V E N˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Edited
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For my Shinsou fans.

You slumped into the chair beside the boy with lavender hair, your greetingnl being a little cheek poke. His eyes flickered up to meet your own, Shinsou's eyebrows furrowing as you wiggled your own. 

"Why are you like this? He growled, his voice still husky from not having got much sleep.

You shrugged. Resting your own head in the comfort of your arms. "Maybe you should get 8 hours of sleep for once." He merely scoffed at your suggestion, surely urging to punch you in the face.

Today was a cold day. Despite it only being the first week into Autumn, harsh winds played tug-of-war with the trees outside; Tearing up anything it could reach. Students were encouraged to wear warmer clothing to protect themselves from getting sick, too. And too often could you hear the wild howling outside. It got to the point where you could almost see your breath whilst walking through the tortuously long hallways.

You rubbed your hands together, blowing into your palms to keep them warm as you sat your feet on the edge of your seat and your knees to your chest. "How are you not frozen right now?" You asked.

"Bold of you to assume I'm not."


"Hey! Shinsou!" You ran up beside the tired boy as he made his way towards the cafeteria. "Do you mind if my friend Mei joins us for lunch today?" You asked, the glinting beginning of your already infamous 'puppy dog' eyes shining.

He shrugged, tossing his head to the side with a sigh. "Sure, why not? Sure is better than having you and only you around, dork." He shoved your shoulder away, nearly causing you to go crashing into a third year student with golden hair.

"Excuse you! Says the guy why stays up until 5 in the morning scrolling through cat videos." You crossed your arms in indignation, letting out an affectionate huff as the two of you continued down the hall and into the cafeteria.

Chatter echoed off the walls, you nearly being unable to hear yourself think as students rushed about. "C'mon, Shinsou!" Before he could even grab his lunch, you dragged him towards a near empty table. 

Two girls sat there, one with long, oddly cropped ginger hair. The other had unkept pink hair. "Hey, Mei! Meoma!" You called, rushing over to your usual table. The girl with pink hair stood, jumping into your free arms.

"Y/N!" She cheered, pulling away and holding your hands in hers. "You'll be able to help me and Powerloader this afternoon, right?" Before you could even respond, she spun you around in her iron grip. "Ah, Thank you! I can't wait to show you my new babies!"

You sighed at her nickname for her inventions. "Girls," You raised a hand, pointing to your lavender-haired friend. "This is Hitoshi Shinsou. He's my cat adoring classmate."

Meoma nodded towards him, clapping her hands together. The large fins on either side of her face fluttered in anticipation and excitement from meeting someone new. "Hi Hi! My name's Meoma Kingyo of Class 1-H."

"And I'm Mei Hatsume of Class 1-H." Mei ran up beside him, poking around at his chest and arms. "Damn! For being in General Studies, you're pretty well-built." She comments almost to herself, though made it clear she knew we could hear her.

"Uhh, Thanks?" He rubbed the back of his head, watching confused as she continued to poke at his muscles.

It wasn't long before she lost interest once again and grabbed both yours and Meoma's wrists. "Well? I'm starving!"

You shot Shinsou a look as the three of you passed, as if to say 'Just deal with it.' As you did, you grabbed him and dragged him along as the three of you booked it to the lunch line.


"Hello again, Mei." You said, rubbing your exposed arms as you walked inside the unnamed room. The iron doors were still open, suggesting either her or Powerloader had just arrived.

"Good morning, Y/N!" She ran up beside you, wrapping her arms around your own in a bone-crushing side hug before she jumped away. "I've been working on a new one!" It didn't take much to deduce what she was talking about.

A dark green glove-looking thing sat atop the table, the fingertips being made out of a varied metal. "What even is this thing?" You asked, poking the side of it whilst you hung off the side of the table.

Her eyes lit up as you examined it more closely, picking the heavy metal off the table. It had a slot open at the top, something seemingly missing from inside. Wires hung out from where the arm would slip into it, them disappearing behind a lightweight sheet of metal coating the inside.

"Oh I'm so happy you asked!" She picked it up herself, slipping it over her arm. "This baby here is a power glove! The front is supposed to contain explosives," Before she could finish, you let out a laugh.

"Of course it is. Why would I think otherwise with you?" She nudged my shoulder, holding her arm out for me to examine.

"It's made of tungsten and iron, too!" She jumped around, bending her arm and twirling around excitedly. It confused you on how she seemed so energetic despite the cold. "That's why I'm so excited to finish it."

Noise erupted down the hall, though Mei had already set the glove down and began explaining another one of her 'babies.' She shoved a circular disk into your hands, your fingers flipping it over as you looked over its intricate design carefully. "What is it?"

"It's a self explod-" The originally closed metal door of the room began to slide open as the disk in your possession began to beep rapidly. "-ing landmine!" She gasped, pulling it away from me and throwing it towards the newly opened door.

An earshattering boom echoed around the room, the outline of Powerloader just barely visible as the smoke began to clear. Mei was no longer beside me. Instead, Her outline atop somebody just beyond the door was just barely visible.

Powerloader shook his head. "You two better be more careful. And Mei, if you blow something in this room up again, I might have to move everything outside so we stop destroying stuff."

Laughing, you wrapped your arms around Mei's stomach and pulled her off of the still unknown figure. Two others were standing shook in the hallway, their faces paled. "Oh, Hello." You said with a grin. "Sorry about her. She's a little..." You couldn't find the words to describe her admiration for explosives.

"I-It's okay...?" The girl said, her cropped brown hair bouncing to life. "W-We were just on our way for our costume improvements..." She rubbed her arm, Bouncing on her heels.

"Oh! Alright. What are your names? I'll look into the costume files for you three and..." Your eyes met the figure Hatsume had trampled. When they did, they widened in what you thought to be fear. 

And never the less, he stared back.

Mei stared at you due to your reaction, her own questionable head tilt being dealt out. "Y/N?" She asked, walking up beside you and pressing a hand to your shoulder. In response, your hands balled into fists. 




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Word Count: 1244
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