。⋆୨୧˚S I X˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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Your eyes watched the slim, flat letter with a careful expression. You couldn't help but feel some sort of anxiety bubble in your chest at the mere sight of it. Printed atop the cross were neat letters that spelled out your name. Beside it, the address.

The second your mother called your name, you noticed how giddy her voice sounded as she hollered from the bottom of the stairs. You now knew why. This was it. The moment you assumed you were denied from your dream school.

Finally having built up the courage to open it, you slid your nails under the careful folds, not daring to cut into it in fear of destroying whatever was contained within. Instead of finding a sheet of paper like you had expected, a slim disk laid flat against the paper. It didn't seem to fit in the envelope, so it was a mystery on how they managed to get it inside. Your eyes narrowed at the notion of them wasting energy to seal every letter like such.

Finally giving in and tearing the disk out, your slid your chair across the hardwood paneling of your room, crashing into your desk. As quickly as it appeared, the disk was gone, now uploading whatever it contained onto the laptop you had lying open, pages of work now meaningless to you as you awaited the video to load.

All Might flashed across the screen, your eyes widening as he grinned heroically. "Hello, Young Y/N L/N!" He said all too cheerfully. "I am glad to inform you that you've been accepted into Class 1C, General Studies." It was certainly more than you could have hoped for.

"I wished they put you into a higher class. You nearly aced the exams." He said dully, rubbing his hands together. "Besides that, I wanted to welcome you, Y/N..." He paused for dramatic effect. "To your Hero Academia."


Even after your acceptance letters arrived, you had yet to hear from Midoriya. You hadn't texted him since his single reply, your brain trying to force the male out of your head. Fortunately, things slowly started to get better for you as you grew accustomed to not having the boy around. Now, Despite feeling alone, you could do things with even a bit of happiness.

This morning, you had woken up without the assistance of your alarm. I mean, you didn't sleep. How could you? Today was to be your first day at U.A. So many emotions swirled through your mind at once, beginning to feel your stomach churn from the anxiety. "Breathe, Y/N." You muttered, rubbing your newly flushed cheeks. "Today's just another day. Another first day of school. At your dream school..." Your words weren't helping.

A soft knock echoed across the bathroom, causing you to jump. It was obvious that your nerves were shot, seeing as when you lifted your hands away from your cheeks, they were shaking. "Y/N?" Your mother asks from the opposite side of the door. "We're leaving in 5." She says coolly, though her voice was laced in excitement.

"Coming, Mom..." You called, though it felt as though it was merely a whisper. Reaching for the doorknob, you pulled your leggings on as you waddled down the steps quietly. Your father met your eyes, a prideful glint shining within.

"Good luck, Flower." He said, grinning at the nickname. He very seldom used that silly nickname. It was one from your childhood, referring back to when you would get flowers tangled in your hair when rolling around in your backyard.

You sighed, slipping on your shoes as you got to the door. "Thank you, poppa." You replied, truly meaning the words as you slid past the door.

"You ready?" Your mother asked as you plopped down atop the front seat. Nodding, you stayed silent. And even now, you couldn't tell if it was your motion sickness or your worries making you ill this time.

'Ready as I'll ever be.'


Class was... a lot more anti-climactic than you had thought. Your classmates seemed rather cool; Especially one that didn't dare look anyone in the eye. Even when everyone was introducing themselves, he stood up, said what he had to, and sat back down. An anti-social boy.

Just the kinda person you were looking for.

He had heavy bags under his eyes with fair skin to match. His dull lavender hair matched his tired eyes. A crooked frown always seemed to play on his lips no matter the situation.

As the bell busted through the speaker system, screaming for all students to leave for either their lunch hour or their next class, you managed to catch the boy as he stalked out of the classroom.

"Hey." You said quietly, tugging on the back of his uniform.

He jerked back, eyes narrowing at the sight of you. "What." He said.

'Seems friendly enough.' You scoffed. "Names Y/N L/N. Unless I need to get my eyes checked, you don't seem like the kinda guy who's the best at making friends." You said, shoving your hands into the pockets of your skirt. You realized you had gotten much colder than you were, feeling an automatic glare beginning to form. Before you could have apologized, he began to walk away and towards the cafeteria. Your frown deepened, narrowing your eyes as he stalked along.

When the boy had gotten a good distance down the hall, he turned around, realizing you weren't following. "Well? You coming?" A smirk tugged at your lips as he awaited you to catch up.

"Looks like I'm not as bad at this as I thought..." You laughed to yourself, catching up with the boy.

"Hitoshi Shinsou." He said plainly, not bothering to look at you directly.

You nodded. "It's nice to meet you, Shinsou-Kun." The corners of his lips upturned slightly, his dull, lavender eyes finally meeting your own E/C ones.

"I don't need honorifics."

"So just Shinsou, then?" He merely nodded. "Then you can call me L/N. No honorifics."

A bored chuckle left his mouth. "As if I was gonna use them to begin with."

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Woop! Chapter 6 done!

I noticed someone felt betrayed last chapter *cough* Paige *cough*
So I've decided to get some BFF Shinsou X Reader in here.

And as a little treat, some BFF Bakugo X Reader'll be coming up in the upcoming chapters.
Good luck surviving until then.

Word Count: 1012

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