。⋆୨୧˚T W O˚୨୧⋆。

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Status: Unedited
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"Hey, Midoriya!" You ran up beside the boy, slamming your hands on the boys' desk. He didn't even flinch, His arms rested at his sides as he slumped over his desk. "Midoriya?"

You waved a hand in front of his face, though he was still spaced off into the land of 'Whatever The Hell Midoriya Thought Of In His Spare Time'.

Probably becoming a hero of some sort. Maybe entranced in the savory idea. You yourself had never been fond of the idea of racing into battle at the possible cost of your life. I guess you could say you valued it; to an extent, at least.

You looked around, your hand snagging the back of the chair in front of Midoriya's desk. You sat down, your head resting on your hands on the back of the chair. (Did that make sense?)

"It's not nice to ignore your friends, Midoriya." You narrowed your eyes with a grin. "Especially one that can kick your ass."

"Anyone can kick shitty Deku's ass." A loud, barking voice broke through the oddly peaceful silence. "And anyone can kick your shitty ass, Y/N."

You shifted enough to face the rowdy blonde, your eyebrows furrowing in agitation. "You ride on such a high horse but you've never managed to beat me." 

The blonde stiffened, his couple o' lackeys backing up into the wall behind them. "What the hell did you say?!" Explosions crackled on his palms, an enraged look painting his features.

"You heard me, Kacchan." You said the despised nickname out of pure spite. Despite that, Midoriya perked up at the nickname, his eyes widening as he scanned the room and made a poor attempt at evaluating the situation.

"Don't call me that, shitty nerd!"

You stood up from the chair, a dark grin spreading across your cheeks. "Kacchan."

You hadn't actually expected him to lunge for you, but he did. His hands cupped your throat, ready to actually strangle the fuck outta you. Your eyes widened as small explosions popped on his palms and crackled against your skin like fire.

Your nails dug into his skin as the two of you fell onto the floor, knocking over your chair. Metal scratched the floor as your legs made contact with a desk leg. You slid it up, it meeting Katsuki's chest as you kicked it outward.

Not having expected it, his grip on you loosened as he skidded and hit a desk you had unintentionally moved behind him. You twisted onto your stomach, your shoes squeaking against the tile floor as you grabbed your bag alongside Midoriya's, the flustered and confused boy already jumping up to leave.

The classroom doors slammed open as you and Midoriya sped down the hallway, your shoulder bag slamming roughly against your thigh as you nearly slid into a wall and down the stairs.


"I never e-expected someone to ever stand up to Kacchan... Especially someone..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, unsure of whether or not to finish his sentence.

"Someone like us? A Quirkless?" You let out a cold laugh. "Not like I haven't heard that one before, Midoriya." You nudged his shoulder, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "Don't stress it, Freckles." You laughed as his face flushed a bright red at the lame nickname.

"F-Freckles?!" He sputtered, his grip visibly tightening around the straps of his signature yellow backpack. "T-that's an odd nickname..."

You tilted your head to the side, a grin spreading across your lips. "Odd? Why? You have cute little freckles on your cheeks, Midoriya! I think it's a very fitting nickname!" You skipped ahead of the boy, his pace slowing down as he tried to compute what you had said.

His face flashed a violent shade of dark red. "C-Cute?!"


Even after you had passed where Midoriya would have been dropped off if you hadn't left him, you still hadn't made it home. It was late afternoon now, with a canvas of color being painted across the sky in lovely shades of pink and purple as the sky faded into darkness, stars peaking out just beyond the light the sun shined across the city.

Taking a deep breath, you let the chilled air invade your tired lungs as you neared your street. Your hands stung from carrying your bag, your shoulders surely bruised from carrying it a good portion of the day. 

Usually, your parents picked you up at school. This time was different. Both of them were away from home, neither one of them scheduled to be home for quite some time. Your hair was whipping around your face as wind battered your school uniform. A struggle to keep your skirt down and from flashing those who drove past.

Turning onto your street, your eyes nearly teared up in relief as you broke into a run towards your house, it only being about five down from the street. Dewy grass made your socks wet as you rushed across your lawn, nearly slamming into the door as you jiggled the handle violently. Locked.

Sighing, you dug your house key out of your bag and shoved it into the keyhole. Unlocking the door, you yanked your key out and slammed the door behind you.

Kicking your shoes off and not caring as one of them landed on a glass table, you sluggishly walked into the living room and flopped down onto the plush couch, your muscles locking as you let out a large sigh.

"It's good to be home."


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Short Chapter!
I felt really inspired to write in this book rather than do the, like, 15 homework assignments that are due at 11:59 PM. (It's currently 10:20 PM)

Thank you for reading! I tried remembering this wasn't a Bakugo X Reader as I jumped back into writing.

With Love,

Word Count: 966
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