Under Raps/ Day of Hearts.

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Okay, so I will eventually get a drawing done of Varian and Artemis together, I just need good reference photos T-T Anyways, onto the chapter.


"Centuries ago, corona was engaged in a years long wars with it's rival kingdom, Sapporia. Corona's then king, Herz de Sonne created a complex system of tunnels to move his knights and supplies wherever he needed. He then made a detailed map of these tunnels and their secrets in a secure journal. At the height of the war De Sonne's sworn enemy, general Champagne launched a full scale invasion on Corona. Champagne fought her way through the kingdom to the castle, to face King Herz de Sonne himself, their battle waged for hours, with neither side relenting, that is until Champagne discovered the books final pages contained Herz de Sonne's profession of love for her. It was then she realized, she held similar feelings for him as well. And so, the two were married and a lasting peace was brought to the newly united nations forever more."

Artemis shared a similar look with Rapunzel, Cass, did not look moved at all though.

"Isn't that the most romantic you've ever heard?" Varian just shrugged his shoulders but Artemis was into it.

"it's a sweet story. I wonder if that kind of love exists for everyone." Cass looked at the usually level-headed teenage girl in surprise, "Not you too."

"So...why did you two come to corona? You're not interested in signing the book of hearts...are you?" the two teens blushed crimson,

"Wh-What?! N-No!"

"N-No way!" Rapunzel narrowed her eyes in suspicion as her parents signed a page in the book, tossing paper hearts to the small gathering of people. Cass stormed off muttering something abut having one day without celebration.

"She's not really the romance type..." Rapunzel explained, the two teens nodded.

"That's because the only thing that could maybe love Cassandra...is a cactus...or a crocodile."


"What?! Oh, come on, tell me I'm wrong." Artemis stifled a laugh, "Sure, Cass is a little rough around the edges...but there's still a lot to be admired about her, too."

"I'm going to go see if I can help with any of the decorations." With that Artemis disappeared not far behind the king and queen.

"Your majesties." She curtsied, remembering the manners her mother had taught her for royal court etiquette.

"Good morning, Artemis. Here toy join in the festivities?" Arianna winked at the young girl who turned red once more in response, "No! w-well...maybe...sort of." The queen cast a knowing smile, "He means a lot to you, doesn't he?"

"He does, but he just sees me as a friend...a sister. And he really likes Cass...so I stepped back. I can't be what he wants."

"Love isn't blind Artemis. He'll come around. I didn't think I could love Fred when we were arranged for one another, but we compromised and worked through our differences, now look at us." The blonde teen smiled at the King and queen.

"Just give him some time. " She nodded, bowing politely to the royal couple before darting off inside.

"She's so spirited."

"Not unlike you when we first met." The king and queen shared a laugh as they wet back inside the castle.


Rapunzel quickly put her plans into motion, starting with Cass, she hid a special note in her hair so Cass could find it while helping brush out the knots, then made a painting AND painted Eugene's face on Cass' training dummy. All she had gotten in response was Cass telling her that when she was ready to talk about what she was dealing with she'd be the first to know. Satisfied with that she moved onto Artemis and Varian.

Sunlit Moon (Varian x OC. Complete! [sequel cancelled for now.])Where stories live. Discover now