Rapunzel's return.

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"You saw all of this in the house of yesterday's tomorrow?"

"I saw everything, Rapunzel." Artemis sat propped against the back wall, watching the scene before her unfold, "Cass, if what you're saying is true it means—"

"It means that I'm Gothel's daughter and your destiny belongs to me."

"Cass, we are friends, in fact, being Gothel's daughter that...that makes us closer than friends it makes us sisters. Cass couldn't hold back her laughter at the ideas, "Sisters? My own mother chose you over me. My whole life I've been cast aside for you. No more."

"So what did we miss?" Everyone turned to look at lance, "Aaaand...terrible timing as usual... but what else is new?"

"Lance, not now." Everyone turned back to Cassandra and Rapunzel,

"Please, let me help you." Using the black rocks, Cassandra blocked the pathway, "Stay back."

"Cassandra, you've got to give me the moonstone, it is too dangerous. The whole world is it at—"

"I said stay back!" the rocks sent Rapunzel flying backwards and Eugene moved forward to catch her as she slid to a halt, "Cassandra!" Artemis quickly got to her feet as Adira charged in, cutting the rocks out of her way as she went,

"Release the moonstone, Short-hair. You don't know what you're dealing with." As Adira pushed Cass, Cass' irritation grew and she blew Adira back, "Neither...do you!"

"Adira! Breathe easy, your lancey's here." Artemis looked to Cass and took a step forward, "Cass, Please." Bright blue eyes stared back at the blonde, "We have to destroy that stone. I know you think that this is your destiny but it's not."

"What do you know about Destiny, Artemis? You're only out here because Rapunzel took pity on you."

"That is...not true." The teen took another step forward, pushing the rocks out of her way.

"You think I don't know what you're going through, To feel like there is nothing to fall back on?" Cass grabbed Adira's sword and charged forward, aiming to knock the teen from the bridge,

"Oh no you don't!"

"Eugene, no!" The former thief charged forward but he was too late, he watched his newly found sibling teeter on the edge of the bridge as he was thrown back,

"Cassandra, wait.." Rapunzel took off after her, and Eugene made another attempt to get to Artemis, catching her by the hand as she fell over the edge,

"I've got you."

"Thanks, Eugene." When they were all back to safety Max helped wrap wounds, "Gentle hooves, max. gentle hooves."

"Don't mind him, Max. you're doing a great job." Artemis and Eugene shared a look, "All right, up and at 'em everybody. The Moonstone's gone so no use sticking around this dreary place."

"Shouldn't be a little, I dunno—"

"Upset right now? She should be..."

"Hey, sunshine, I couldn't help but notice you're kind of doing that...thing."

"That thing?"

"You know, the thing where you act like everything's peachy when clearly it's..." the strained smile made even Artemis flinch from where she was sat,

"Sweetheart, what Cass did—"

"Yeah, that was bad. Anyways, moving on." Eugene was left confused as Rapunzel danced around the topic. "Okay gang, we need to get out of here. Any ideas?"

Sunlit Moon (Varian x OC. Complete! [sequel cancelled for now.])Where stories live. Discover now